
Read and Ride Charity Program

Home Builder with 180 Degree Floors

Mt. Nebo #67 F. & A.M. and Bordeaux Elementary School


Purpose of the Read and Ride Charity Program.

67 Read and Ride


In order to improve literacy Mt.Nebo Lodge #67 F. & A.M. and Bordeaux Elementary School host a semi annual Read & Ride Charity Program. At the end of the Spring and Winter semesters students are rewarded for his/her improvements in reading. The program has a layered approach on the development of the whole student. If a student is able to read better then he/she can comprehend more. So not only will the the student become a better reader they will become a better student. In today's society we hear about obesity everywhere. We are constantly talking about how children no longer go outside and play. So instead of rewarding the student with a video game. The Read and Ride Charity Program rewards the students with a bike to promote outside activities. If the student is not one of the winners of a new bike. Then he or she may qualify for a gift card to Subway.


Break out of rewards for improved reading

  1. Thirty students will be rewarded for the improvement in reading.
  2. Twenty students will be rewarded with Subway gift cards.
  3. Ten students will be rewarded with brand new bikes. 


This program has improved the test scores at the school.

If your interested in donating to the Read and Ride Charity Program please  send your checks to Mt. Nebo Lodge #67 F.&A.M.  2832 Georgia Ave/ Nashville, TN 37209,

or you can donate online at 

Thanks for your support!!!

All donations to the Read and Ride Charity Program are Tax-Deductible.

Posted by

Ronell D. Moore

Small Business Consultant



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Ronell Moore
180 Degree Floors - Nashville, TN
Transforming your Flooring into a work of Art.

One student last semester was reported to have read 250 books. To go from a student struggling in reading to reading 250 plus book, priceless. Please find it in your hearts to support this program. Thanks

Mar 17, 2013 12:18 PM