
32nd Annual Cape Story By The Sea's Oyster Roast for 2010 A Success!

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Alliance - Referral Co.

2010 Cape Story By The Sea's Oysterfest A Success!

Oyster Roast Banner

This annual Oyster Roast is hosted by the good people of the Cape Story by the Sea Civic Association, as a fundraiser for various good causes and deeds relating to the Shore Drive Area.

Mark and Friends    Dede And Friends

        Mark with friends, ready to shuck a few!                                    Dede and Friends

Save Pleasure House Point    Food Donations

Great Band - Beach Tones    Grillin'

Mayor Oberndorf    Empsy, CSBTS Civic Assoc. President

2010 Coozie

We still have a few 2010 Coozies left, contact Mark for your free one.  T Shirts are still available, too.

Cape Story By The Sea - "Part of What Makes Shore Drive Great"

Mark and Dede Moore are REALTORS with RE/MAX Alliance in Virginia Beach,VA

Specializing in residential sales and property management.

Thanks for looking!

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 All images and photos property of Mark A. Moore, RE/MAX Alliance, or used with permission.
