
And Away We GO!!!

Home Stager with Waterfront Realty Group Inc & SW Florida Realty Staging

And A Party It shall be..  Connecticut is suffering from the same Down market as the rest of the country, but thankfully it is not as serious as other areas. Florida for one is almost a crisis. Let's Join the Connecticut Professionals Group and band together to make sales in Connecticut soar.

As a Professional Home Stager, I am seeing an increase volume of inquiries about staging to sell. By de-cluttering, organize and getting the party (moving party, that is) started, homes have a better presentation and give the Buyer something to think about besides How lucky he is to have so many homes to choose from.

I am excited about what Staging has to offer to Connecticut Real Estate. It will still be an uphill battle  convincing Agents that staging will make a difference. The market is changing and the approach to sales needs to change as well. Inventory and especially Vacant inventory, is growing daily. By staging your listings, you gain an advantage by giving Buyers what they need to make a decision about their new homes. Staging presents the listing the way the buyer would live in the home.

Do you remember what your home looked like when you first moved in and got settled? That" a place for everything and everything is its place" adage  definitely applied. As we live in our homes, we tend to acquire "stuff" faster than we find places for it to quietly live. By hiring a stager to help start the moving process, give a game plan to remove clutter and then finally giving a Buyer's Eye to your rooms,  the listing has the advantage over other homes in that price range.

I am proud to offer the Seller's Edge Advantage...  Partner with a Stager today!!!


Kathy Holbrook

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Danielle V. Lewis
DDR Realty - Newburgh, NY
DDR Realty
Our line about acquiring more stuff reminds me of a George Carlin skit I once saw. He basically expanded on that, saying we buy more houses just so we can acquire more "stuff." =).
Sep 08, 2007 01:16 AM
Andrew Scherer
Approved Mortgage Group - Doylestown, PA
Real Estate Representation At It's Finest


Good to see you as a member for Connecticut Professionals!  What is your range of location for home-staging?

Sep 08, 2007 03:07 AM
Susan Smith
Rooms That Work LLC - Sandy Hook, CT

Kathy, I couldn't have said it better!  In fact, I'm truly looking forward to our next heavy trash month here in Burlington!  Afterall, what does it mean if a stager has clutter in their own home???? (In my defense, we moved last year from a larger home in the midwest...and I'm still trying to find our basement...I just know it's down there somewhere........


Sep 10, 2007 01:12 PM