A piece missing — Common Sense has left the room
Today, Russel Ray, a long time contributor here on AR, brings us yet another example of the extremes of political correctness happening in our society. This one takes the cake and the serving dish too!
People. The strange, unnerving, unusual, weird, unbelievable, unimaginable, gene pool-cleaning things that people do. The things that make you ask, "Why?" or "Really?" or simply shake your head and go, "Hmmmmm."
For others in this series, click A piece missing.
(Boulder CO) — It's the end of football season, and that means those season ending rivalry games are coming up. In preparation for Boulder High School's annual rivalry game with Fairview, its crosstown rival, a school booster group of moms put up 150 balloons to enhance that ol' school spirit.
When the principal and the athletic director showed up at the rally, which was on school property, they made the booster moms go around with pins and pop all 150 balloons.
Now who could possibly be balloon-averse, or have balloonaphobia?
Well, it turns out that one of the students at the school has a latex allergy.
Wait! One child has a latex allergy so all balloons have to be popped?
That doesn't make sense.
Does a popped balloon turn into something other than latex?
When I popped balloons, they usually shredded into three or four pieces which I had to pick up off the floor. Of course, that was decades ago.
Are modern balloons different?
Wouldn't 150 balloons in the air be less hazardous than 150 popped balloons on the floor or in a trash can? What about the parents who picked up the balloons from the floor? Do they have latex on their hands now? Will they have to wash before touching someone? Will that cause a water shortage?
Oh, I have so many questions for the principal and the athletic director.
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