
Mike Ferry's Productivity School or Action Workshop?

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty West

I want to attend one of these events but not sure which one.  Anyone who has been to both of these Mike Ferry events want to give me their opinion?

Actually, I would appreciate anyones experience attending a Mike Ferry event.


Thanks for sharing



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Edite Liepina-Lawrence
ERA Tradewind Real Estate - Longmont, CO

I would highly suggest the Action Workshop. Very inspirational filled with great ideas and tools which will give your business an immediate boost. I just attended one in Denver this week, just awesome stuff!



Sep 30, 2007 03:47 AM
Sue Nelson, Broker/Associate Las Vegas Real Estate ~Team Rhino~
ERA Sunbelt Realty - Las Vegas, NV
Hi Jim:  Depending on what you're looking to get out of it.  I personally love Productivity School... it requires group participation & I learn better that way.
Sep 30, 2007 03:59 AM
Fred Carver Real Estate Consulant
Retired BC Realtor - Victoria, BC
Accredited Real Estate Consultant

Hi Jim...I agree productivity school is rewarding and a good deal for four 8 hour days of roll playing an learning what to say..properly. Mike's script if you want to call it that starts from the time you make your first contact to your listing presentation, it's really a story and it's complete. Once you internalise it it's no longer a script.The Highest profit Realtors..those that net the most because of lower operating costs are Mike Ferry Students(Realtors)...his annual conventions are still the largest in the country and he has two of them every year!

Go to a productivity'll keep what you learn for years, I know I went to one in 1998 and still remember the story to present to Clients. Mat gave the course in those days!

Sep 30, 2007 03:03 PM
Patricia Ruiz
RE/MAX Premier - Springfield, NJ
I would recommend going to ANY of his events. I was a one-on-one agent and I am currently still involved in the system. If you're plannign on building your business and are willing to take proactive measures to get listings, then he's definitely the way to go. For starters, I would attend an Action Work Shop to see how it fits for you, then productivity school.
Oct 20, 2007 07:30 AM
Gary McAdams
GMAC Schwartz Property Sales - Key West, FL
I find Mike Ferry a bit too hyper and not much to do with real estate or sales.  I like Floyd Wickman a lot better and really like Arthur Andrews.
Dec 13, 2007 02:45 AM
Kevin Kelly
Keller Williams - Phoenix, AZ
The Productivity School is all about the scripts and knowing what you will say and when to say it.  The Action Workshop is all about the Lead Generation/Prospecting Cycle and how to follow up and close.  If I had to choose just one I would choose the Action Workshop.  If you do that though, be sure to study the scripts on the Mike Ferry Website before you go, it will help your absorption rate.
Dec 19, 2007 04:18 PM
Bart Olszewski
Keller Williams Landmark II - Jackson Heights, NY

I attended Prod. School in NJ and Action Workshop in Boston.  I'm glad to have done both but I would highly recomend Productivity School.  It's more hands on, more agent involvment, just more fun!  Good luck.

Jan 31, 2008 06:30 AM