Last week we asked for your Thanksgiving Dinner Pet Peeves, and among other things, the post promptly started some dispute between pro-Pie and anti-Pie factions. While at least some portion *cough* of SFist editorial staff was against “Warm fruit” in general, one reader even took to the tipline to proclaim very succinctly: “Pie is Disgusting.” Which: fine, you don’t like Pie. In general, cake’s bread-like utilitarianism seems far less divisive than the many forms of Pie which may be fruit, chocolate, meat or gourd-based. But this leads us to further questioning: Why don’t you like pie? Is it the plethora of varieties that offends you? Did you have a bad experience with a savory, meat-smuggling pie? Most importantly, is anyone really “for” Cake? Back in March, notable internet blog Jezebel held a tournament in the style of NCAA basketball playoffs, which eventually proclaimed Cheesecake (which is a pie!) the champion. But this is San Francisco, where we are arguably on the forefront of both Cake progress andforward-thinking piemaking. So, in the true spirit of San Francisco elections, we’d rather not follow the sports model and instead make this as convoluted as possible by soliciting your votes on the lengthy ballot below. You can choose up to three, so please feel free to voteagainst some faction if you’d rather see one side be served a plate of humble pie. No one said this would be a cakewalk. Write-ins are welcome, but keep it civil. Polls are open until Midnight on Thanksgiving, because you might change your mind when you go back for that late night leftover raid. BAKEOFF: Team Cake or Team Pie?online surveysPre-Thanksgiving Poll: Cake vs. Pie Bakeoff
November 24th, 2010
Green Chile Apple Pie via Yelper Wilhelm Y.
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North Orange County CA Real Estate Specialists - Yorba Linda, CA
Orange County CA Real Estate Agent
Ok Greg, took the poll. I voted for anything with chocolate, but really, it's all about the turkey and stuffing for me. I'd rather have multiple helpings of the main meal. It's my fav for the year & I rock in the kitchen, if I do say so myself : )
Thanks for the fun post! Have a Yummy & Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 23, 2010 06:35 PM