Community Groups Active in Denver neighborhoods
One of the best things about being a part of a neighborhood is the chance to start, or join, a community group. Depending on the neighborhood, groups form around a number of things including children, outdoor activities, shopping, health and beauty and politics, just to name a few. The Denver neighborhoods of Berkeley, Sunnyside, Regis and Highland all have active community groups.
Berkeley Regis United Neighbors, or BRUN was formed by locals to promote the Berkeley Regis neighborhoods and make the area safe for families, single and married couples to live, work and enjoy life. The group has been active in forming the Tennyson Streetscape Plan, and participates in planning meetings to enhance the look of Tennyson Blvd. between Highland and Sunnyside neighborhoods. They also hosted a BRUN candidates forum for the November elections, which allowed neighbors to join together to decide which candidates would best represent them. The Berkeley Regis United Neighbors group also hosts a monthly neighborhood social hour at a local bar/restaurant so that people in the area can get to know each other better and have some fun! Find more information at
Highland United Neighborhood Association, or HUNI, was formed to facilitate consistent and responsible communication among Highland neighbors and the community at large, to improve the quality of life for its residents, organizations and businesses and to provide advocacy and promotion for the community. Several volunteer committees work to provide a sense of community through political action and social community events. For more information, or to join go to
Federal Blvd. Partnership - The Federal Boulevard Partnership was formed in 2005 by local Federal business and community interests to fulfill the mission to improve health and safety, accessibility, sustainability and economic vitality along Federal Boulevard, while preserving its cultural diversity and historic character. The vision for the “Boulevard” is one of Denver’s main streets where people live, work, and play in a clean and safe pedestrian friendly environment that embraces cultural, social, and economic diversity. This community group is currently working on the Boulevard Wellspring Initiative and the Boulevard Streetscape Project. The Federal Boulevard Partnership is run by a community of volunteers interested in working together to improve their neighborhood.
Sunnyside United Neighbors Inc. - is a nonprofit volunteer organization composed of residents, businesses, schools, and churches that reside or are located within the boundaries of the Sunnyside neighborhood in Historic Northwest Denver. The intent is for a group of people of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds to join together in harmony, mutual respect and peace with the purpose of planning and building for the future, improving the present, and preserving and restoring the past of the Sunnyside neighborhood.
Whatever neighborhood you live in, you will find people willing to volunteer their time and money to create a better place to live, shop and work. Community groups are the heartbeat of a neighborhood, and joining one is a great way to make friends!