
Things to do in Arcadia, CA

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Unyque Financial

There are many things to do in Arcadia, California without spending tons of money, I experienced one of them a couple of weeks ago.  In addition to my real estate and loan business I am a reporter for Crown City News, a local news show.  I thoroughly enjoy reporting hard news and feature stories.

This feature story was about the annual Festival of Bands held in Arcadia, California on November 20th.  It was a cold and rainy Saturday morning.  I bundled up my daughter, packed all the equipment and away we went, we had a great time!  Marching BandOver 40 of the most talented young people marched down Baldwin Avenue strutting all the way.  You would have thought they were taught in the rain.  They tossed their flags into the air, blew into those instruments and banged on their drums like it was Madigras.

This year was the 57th anniversary of the Festival of Bands which is one of the oldest and most prestigious band review parades in Southern California and its right in our backyard!  Included in the things to do in Arcadia, the Festival of Bands held a percussion performance at Arcadia High School and a field show at Citrus College in Glendora.

This event proved to be a great way to get out of the house and enjoy a fun, exciting and did I say free event.  Many families and some pets attended, some of whom knew people and some who like us, did not. 

The Festival of Bands only comes once a year so I already have my calendar marked for next year.

Tni LeBlanc, Realtor®, J.D.
Mint Properties, Lic. #01871795 - Santa Maria, CA
Tenacious Tni (805) 878-9879

Arcadia is near Pasadena?  I went to a wedding in PAsadena and was shocked to see what a great downtown they have.  We had a great time and I can't wait to go back just for fun.

Nov 28, 2010 04:56 PM
Luna Petty
Unyque Financial - Pasadena, CA

Hi Tni, I consider everything in my coverage area to be in my backyard so that's West Covina, Covina, Pasadena, Altadena, Arcadia, Alhambra, LaCanada, Azusa, Duarte, Irwindale, Monrovia, Monterey Park, Valinda, Walnut and San Gabriel.  I am glad you enjoyed downtown Pasadena.  If you're ever in town again call me and I will show you where to find the great food and good music.

Nov 28, 2010 06:04 PM