
Georgia Associaton of REALTORS elects Officers/Leadership

Real Estate Agent with Bragg & Associates Real Estate, LLC

The Directors for the Georgia Associaton of Realtors held elections for leadership positions at the Annual Convention at the Grovepark Inn in Asheville, NC on Saturday, September 8th.  Please join me in congratulating the following REALTORS:   Steven Fischer, President-Elect; Dana Bauguss, Vice President; Bill Boatman, Vice President; Robin Lance, Vice President; Mike Wright, Vice President; Kristen Crisp,

Region 1 Regional Director; Chuck Jonaitis, Region 2 Regional Director; Derrick Shields, Region 6 Regional Director; Len Powell, Region 7 Regional Director; Hazel Hendrix, Region 9 Regional Director.

These REALTORS are to be commended for their willingness to service our State Association.  If you're not currently involved in our state association, I encourage you to get involved.  There are wonderful networking opportunities available through our assocation and much, much more.

If you don't live in Georgia then seek our your State Assocation.  You won't be disappointed.

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Hank Myers
Hank M. Real Estate - Kalaupapa, HI
excellent post! thank you for the information. All the best!
Sep 09, 2007 02:51 PM
Nancy Brenner
Referral Associates of Georgia, Inc. - Roswell, GA
Roswell Georgia Real Estate Agent

Don't you find it strange that the Georgia Associaton of Realtors held their elections in Asheville, NC?

OH well, Congrats to the new Board!

Sep 09, 2007 06:47 PM
Kim Bragg
Bragg & Associates Real Estate, LLC - Augusta, GA
Broker/Owner, ABR, CRS, GRI, ePro

Nancy, the GEORGIA Assoc. of REALTORS has it's convention outside of Georgia for the simple fact that there are very few meeting hotels in the state of Georgia that can accomidate us outside of the Metro Altanta area.  We had over 750 agents in attendance.  The agents in Atlanta who do attend the convention prefer not to have the convention in Atlanta as it becomes a "business as usual" week juggling clients and the convention. 

So the answer to your questions is NO, I don't find it strange.  You simply need to know all the facts which are easy to find if you'll get involved.  Community selections are until Wed. Sept 12th, sign up.

Sep 10, 2007 02:28 AM
Tom Horner
Blanchard and Calhoun - Augusta, GA
Augusta Georgia Real Estate


  I heard Mike Wright was beat out by Anne Gault from the floor Saturday. I bet the committee that recommended Wright is not happy



Sep 10, 2007 02:54 AM
Kim Bragg
Bragg & Associates Real Estate, LLC - Augusta, GA
Broker/Owner, ABR, CRS, GRI, ePro
Tom, this is one time that I'm glad I was not a director. 
Sep 10, 2007 03:46 AM