The Directors for the Georgia Associaton of Realtors held elections for leadership positions at the Annual Convention at the Grovepark Inn in Asheville, NC on Saturday, September 8th. Please join me in congratulating the following REALTORS: Steven Fischer, President-Elect; Dana Bauguss, Vice President; Bill Boatman, Vice President; Robin Lance, Vice President; Mike Wright, Vice President; Kristen Crisp,
Region 1 Regional Director; Chuck Jonaitis, Region 2 Regional Director; Derrick Shields, Region 6 Regional Director; Len Powell, Region 7 Regional Director; Hazel Hendrix, Region 9 Regional Director.
These REALTORS are to be commended for their willingness to service our State Association. If you're not currently involved in our state association, I encourage you to get involved. There are wonderful networking opportunities available through our assocation and much, much more.
If you don't live in Georgia then seek our your State Assocation. You won't be disappointed.