
Illinois Real Estate Proficiency Exam - Cheat Sheet & Exam-Prep Now Available

Services for Real Estate Pros with AHI Real Estate & Insurance Services

We here at AHI Real Estate & Insurance Services ( have been swampped with questions about the new Illinois Real Estate Proficiency Exam.

"What is the Real Estate License Transition", "who has to take the Proficiency Exam", "when does the Proficiency Exam need to be completed", "what topics are going to be covered on the exam," "how/where can the Proficiency Exam be taken"... are just a few examples of what's being asked.

We thought it might be helpful to put together an Illinois Real Estate License Transition / Proficiency Exam "cheat sheet" to help answer some of the most frequently asked questions as well as dis-spell some rumors about the exam.  You can view the "cheat sheet" here

We've also been getting requests for an exam-prep for the Illinois Proficiency Exam.

We are proud to say that our Illinois Real Estate Proficiency Exam - Prep Test is now available!


If you have any questions regarding the Illinois Real Estate Proficiency Exam or Real Estate License Transition please feel free to call us! 800/894-2495



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Lori Bowers
La Quinta, CA
The Lori Bowers Group

Great idea to have a real estate profiency exam. Sure hope it works

Nov 29, 2010 05:24 AM

I am studying to test for Pre-licensing broker's license Exam. But I am still looking for exam samlpes to study before I test. Please let me know. Thanks

Oct 13, 2011 05:11 AM
AHI Real Estate & Insurance
AHI Real Estate & Insurance Services - Franklin Park, IL

Hi Ata,

We suggest using a product called "Exam Smart" for Pre-Licensing Exam Review.

Our students rave about it.

Best of luck on your exam! Please let us know how it goes.

Feb 06, 2012 02:18 AM