SEO Blogging – How Google Spiders Your Site!
Great blog from Victoria Stankard. If your already blogging on ActiveRain as a Rainmaker then you've seen the results yourself. Every wonder why it works so well? Check it out this great post about GoogleBot.
If you are SEO blogging for search engine placement, it would behoove you to know how Google actually spiders your site. I will try and explain how it all works in simple, easily digestible, layman's terms.
Google employs over one thousand search bots and Goolebot, their main bot, takes care of the main indexing. Googlebot spiders millions of websites at one time and stores the info on a monthly basis much like an 'Encyclopedia Galactica' or a 'Universal Encyclopedia.'
The main Googlebot will spider a website once or bi-monthly, usually over the week-end. This is the snapshot of your site that's found in the index.
There are many forms of Googlebots and the most important one for SEO blogging is the freshbot, which visits your site whenever you create new content, update your content (why I always say to "update your content") or when comments, trackbacks or pingbacks have been added to your content. The freshbot is what keeps you in the index if you update or blog frequently. Google loves discussion (comments) and even Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, says that the #1 way to succeed is through branding and discussion.
If you have a static website (non blog) you can request the bots to revisit your site, utilizing Google Webmaster Tools and XML Sitemaps, and basically, everything you need to know is available in Google Webmaster Central.
When it comes to SEO blogging and how to achieve top, search engine placement, it's all about writing quality content that your site visitors will enjoy reading and that will give authority to your website. GET FOUND NOW's online marketing strategy is based on one premise - "Quality content, the cornerstone of a powerful online presence!"
You don't have to be an SEO expert to be successful at SEO blogging if you can wrap your head around a few SEO blogging basics. GET FOUND NOW gives away a ton of SEO blogging tips for non-SEO experts, written by Victoria (a.k.a. SEO Bloggng Diva), and SEO server technology information for webmasters, written by Michael Stankard (SEO Internet Cowboy).
Learn more about SEO blogging and why quality, optimized website content is the answer for top, organic search engine placement. Type in "seo blogging search engine placement" and see for yourself!
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If you are interested in, SEO copywriting services, SEO WordPress training , SEO WordPress set up (StudioPress-Genesis), static website conversion to WordPress or a SEO tune-up for your existing WordPress system, please fill out the online contact form or give us a call at 813.443.1585 or 813.4841363.
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Victoria Stankard writes quality optimized content for real estate industry leaders who desire a strong Internet presence. Allow her to help you GET FOUND NOW! Email: victoria (@)