Why??? Why are they thinking about or even suggesting messing with the mortgage interest deduction (MID)??? Don't they know that Home Ownership Matters to all parts of our country? That just the mere thought of revising or removing this benefit of home ownership is sending huge ripples through the housing industry??
Seriously??? How about this, President Obama convenes a group of independent business minded Americans who are not in an elected office to review what cuts can be made to help the federal deficit first?! I would be the first to step up and volunteer!!! Let's look at how we as Americans are spending the tax and investment revenues that are being collected right now. Look for waste, for excess, for just plain stupid things!! Then, start making some cuts, see what we as Americans can do without first. Remove the pork, remove the fat, remove the waste, streamline process's, look at ways for government to be more efficient (I Know You're Laughing at That One), look at the retirement benefits paid to elected officials no longer serving, look at double dipping, I could go on and on!!!
Tell me that this independent task force could not find much, much more money to save than any task force made up of elected, lobbied, financial supported to get elected officials!!! Tell me that we could not help in ways that will never get looked at by the existing task force.
I know we need to do something about the burgeoning debt, let's get basic, look at how we spend first, just like all the politicians say before they are elected. Then go to the taxpayers for anything that may be needed. After eliminating the excess, the waste, the inefficient, the greed, then, and only then ask the hard working tax paying citizens for their help!!!
Messing with the mortgage interest deduction is not the place to start.....