
How to Find a Home You Love

Real Estate Agent with London Properties

The process of shopping for a home can be glorious---if you are armed with the right tools. Your number one priority should be to have a great Realtor. Even still, there are a few "ah ha" moments you will have if you're not prepared. When I purchased my first home, I was so excited I forgot to look at the finer points. Oh, I loved, LOVED my house, but there were a few details I forgot to check. In retrospect, I would have still purchased the house with the expectation of making changes and excepting the neighborhood for what it was. So here's what went wrong and what I wish I'd known:

1. I'm afraid of and allergic to cats. Had I been prepared to do a thorough examination of my neighborhood, I would have noticed that almost every house on the block had a cat. I went to great pains trying to keep the cats out of my yard (which of course did not work). I still loved the house, and wanted to live there so I had to just get over the cat challenge. I could have prepared for this situation in advance had I done my due diligence.

Check the neighborhood you plan to live in thoroughly. Visit at night, on the weekends, during business hours etc. Take notice of what is going on around you. Is there one house that seems to entertain often? Do you hear the wonderful shrills of children playing? Hear dogs barking? Take into account your how you live and decide if the house and neighborhood are the right fit for your lifestyle. Some things you cannot change. And it is better to know what they are in advance rather than be surprised. Think, would the neighbor across the street that always seems to be entertaining make you bonkers because there's no place for your guests to park? Do you envision a neighborhood with kids playing outside, families taking walks and dogs talking to each other your ideal? Make note of everything you love about the neighborhood and pay attention to the things you don't like. In the end, you have to live with your decision or find another house.


2. I purchased a 1950's charmer with a galley kitchen. Boy was I in for a surprise. Because of the way the cabinets (beautiful by the way) were built, it was impossible to fit a full size modern day refridgerator in the kitchen. I had two choices: live with it or gut my cabinets. I could not bear the thought of demolishing true craftmanship, so I had to live with an apartment size fridge.

Next on the list was the size of breakfast area. I feel really stupid here---the area was so small, I could only fit an ice cream table for two in the nook. Again, I was so excited about the house and so charmed I forgot to "live" in the house before signing on the dotted line.


3. Doing laundry is very important (duh). This was my major ah ha moment. I just assumed the laundry hook up was in the house. I didn't even check. We've become so accustomed to modern day floorplans, that it is easy to take a plan from another era for granted. Long story short, I walked a lot of miles from the back door of my kitchen to my detached garage to do laundry.

So, the bottom line is to slow down. Walk through every room with a checklist. Live in each room. Ask your Realtor lots of questions. Get a second opinion from a friend who is not emotionally involved.

I was too overoyed to see some obvious challenges. House shop objectively first and then emotionally.

If you need help buying or selling a home, I can help. Call me today at 559-790-1905 or email me at

Happy home hunting!



Shantay R. Davies

PS-I was so excited I didn't even notice the kitchen did not have and could not fit a dishwasher.


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