
Set yourself up for success.

With winter upon us and the holidays fast approaching it is time to consider taking some precautions to preserve your home, your health and your memories.

Each year I am encountered with flooded basements, falling ceilings, scorched homes and piles upon piles of destroyed pictures, decorations, toys, and other storage items. Each year I see grandparents forced to dispose of their grandchild's finger paintings and newlyweds having to trash their wedding albums (or wedding dress in some cases). As a disaster professional, this is incredibly frustrating. Each day I work to fix seemingly un-fixable situations and occasionally, it truly is un-fixable. There are simple, cost-effective steps that you and your family can follow to avoid a heart-wrenching situation during the holiday seasons. To avoid the un-fixable.

Fire Prevention

•-          If you are going to use a real tree in your home this year, try to cut it yourself.  There are many places that allow you to do such a thing. A tree that was cut too long ago is usually dried out and a serious fire hazard. Keep the tree trunk in water and do not leave out for more than 2 weeks.

•-          Keep all heat sources away from the tree. Never use lit candles on a tree (real or artificial).

•-          Avoid candles all together. This is a common source of fire year round.

•-          Each year you should inspect your holiday lights for fraying, missing or broken bulbs and general wear. If any of these things are evident, discard the lights. Do not attempt to repair them.

•-          Avoid overloading electrical outlets.

•-          Never throw wrapping paper into a fireplace. Some papers produce sparks and floating embers or ash. These will start a fire quicker than you may think.

•-          Finally, check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. They do save lives and homes.

Water Damage Prevention

There is usually not much you can do to prevent a water intrusion from occurring. However, I will offer some advice so that you may minimize the damage and protect what is important to you.

•-          If you notice water intrusion or water damage call PuroClean at 866-944-7876 immediately. When water is left sitting for longer than a couple of hours it begins to cause serious damage to your home and potentially your health.

•-          Towel up/suck up any excess water you can while you wait for PuroClean to arrive at your home. Do not open windows. Do not enter a wet area if there are submerged electronics or electrical power cords.

•-          Any storage items should be kept in sealable rubber totes. Many large discount retailers sell these at a very reasonable cost.

•-          If using shelving, the first shelf should be at least 4 inches from the ground. The average water level in a typical basement water intrusion is less than 3 inches.

•-          Store important documents and irreplaceable/valuable items in a water/fire proof safe that is elevated.

•-          Take plenty of pictures and inventory of valuable and important items. Update as needed.

•-          Follow these tips for holiday presents as well.

While I hope that you do not have to go through the experience of water damage or a house fire at any point in your lifetime, it is best to be prepared should one occur. Should you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at .