
Real Estate Is “For Sure” Double Dipping …

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Lazarus Realty



I have often said that we hit a bottom but I wasnt sure if we would bounce along the bottom and go up or bounce along the bottom and drop off a cliff.

Here’s an opinion from someone smarter than me:

Nouriel Roubini: Real Estate Is “For Sure” Double Dipping, And Another $1 Trillion In Losses Is Coming.

There's a reason they call him DR. DOOM!

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Phil & Celeste Pafford, Corona CA - Corona, CA
Corona Short Sale Broker

Shhhhhh... unfortunately I agree, but as a Realtor, I'm hoping we can hold off Dr. Doom... maybe the Fantastic 4 can help!  ;-)

Dec 06, 2010 09:24 AM
Randy "Lazarus" McAtee
Lazarus Realty - Fresno, CA
Owner/Broker, Lazarus Realty, Fresno California

What sucks is the things we have [homes, autos, etc] are declining in value while the prices of the things we need: food, gas, healthcare, etc ... are rising.



Dec 06, 2010 09:28 AM