
Real Estate Agents a Waste of Money...

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Lazarus Realty

Its only a matter of time before the market eleminates the middle man and agents are no longer needed.... at least not employed to the degree they are at present.

When the service becomes available that allows the owner to represent themselves in an efficient manner - THEY WILL.

Come on... If you are paying an agent to sell your property --- lets say a $100k home --- and you are paying 6% commission: $6,000.00.... and they take pics like this:

Do you REALLY need them?

Any owner with a $50.00 cameral could do better.

Google  should fund a nationwide home search and simplified offer system that eliminates the need for an agent or at least empowers the home seller to do more on their own behalf and thereby reduce the compensation for agents.






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Tni LeBlanc, RealtorĀ®, J.D.
Mint Properties, Lic. #01871795 - Santa Maria, CA
Tenacious Tni (805) 878-9879

Ouch.  This certainly makes us all look bad.  Sometimes the best picture is no picture. . .

Good topic for debate so I suggested it.  Hell it's Monday anyway. . .

Dec 06, 2010 10:23 AM
Susan Goulding
Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management - Tracy, CA
Northern CA - Tracy & Mountain House Real Estate

This does pop every now and again - how about we police ourselves and weed out the agents who don't want to do a great job for their clients?

Dec 06, 2010 10:36 AM
Candice A. Donofrio
Next Wave RE Investments LLC Bullhead City AZ Commercial RE Broker - Fort Mohave, AZ
928-201-4BHC (4242) call/text

"When the service becomes available that allows the owner to represent themselves in an efficient manner - THEY WILL."

Owners RARELY can represent themselves efficiently under even the best of circumstances. And there is more to our job than 'just that'.

But I'm not going to go into the bazillion reasons why we aren't going the way of the dinosaurs.

Still, I do agree that an agent who takes a photo like that - and the owner truly wasn't standing in the way of them making that room look more photo-worthy - isn't worth what they are being paid - IF the house sells at all.

Dec 06, 2010 10:39 AM
Randy "Lazarus" McAtee
Lazarus Realty - Fresno, CA
Owner/Broker, Lazarus Realty, Fresno California

Candice, when the service I envision becomes available the owners will have access to the information they need to represent themselves efficiently and the paperwork will executed online with unusual/exceptional provisions being reviewed by Real Estate Attorneys for a fee -- but these fees will end up being substantially less than the current commissions paid to Realtors.

Dec 06, 2010 11:18 AM
Team Honeycutt
Allen Tate - Concord, NC

Clean is better than updated to me.  I would love both but clean is the best.


Dec 07, 2010 12:48 AM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX

If you've been in this business for very long, you know that we aren't employed to the same degree as we once were.  This industry is in a constant state of change.  In the past, photos had no importance at all.  

In terms of policing ourselves, how do you suggest we weed out undesirable agents without violating the law or code of ethics?  My thoughts are that sub-par agents will weed themselves out of the industry.  They always have before.

Dec 08, 2010 12:05 AM
Iran Watson
Georgia Elite Realty - Marietta, GA
Marietta Real Estate Agent - Photographer

Taking photos is one thing, navigating all the pitfalls of a real estate transaction is entirely something different.  Agents don't need to be great photographers, just like they don't need to be attorneys, engineers or interior designers.  There are other professionals out there to do those things.  A good agent will recognize they may need help in any of of these areas and call in a pro to pick up the slack.  

Dec 08, 2010 10:15 AM
Melissa Zavala
Broadpoint Properties - Escondido, CA
Broker, Escondido Real Estate, San Diego County

Maybe, culturally, in some parts of the world, that is a bathroom to be proud of. (Just sayin?)

Dec 09, 2010 07:19 AM
Randy "Lazarus" McAtee
Lazarus Realty - Fresno, CA
Owner/Broker, Lazarus Realty, Fresno California

Lee -

maybe I'm just getting more cynical as I age.  F*ck the code of ethics.  Most agents break the code of ethics everday in the same way that you and I can't get into our vehicles and drive to the corner store without breaking the traffic laws: roll through the stop sign, stop in the crosswalks, exceed the speed limit, etc.


Iran -

a lot of our business is built upon fear.  we have these huge contracts that most agents have never read all the way through and might not even understand it if they did.  agents are always accentuating the potential liability issues etc,

I conduct real estate transactions/purchases for my own account and use a simple ONE PAGE agreement and have never had a problem.  same in my construction business -- only i almost never got/get a signed contract in construction.  its never back-fired on me.  no one has ever sued me.  when that day comes it will most likely be the guy who made me sign a contract and battles on the basis of some technicality.... but all because he doesnt have the money to pay -- or is just an outright asshole.


Shelton - you're right!


Melissa - having lived in a 3rd world country myself in a building that HAD NO BATHROOM i would have to agree with you 100%


Dec 10, 2010 03:26 AM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX

Wow.  I don't know what to say.  So agent's can't take pictures, they don't understand or read contracts, they don't follow the code of ethics or the law and they aren't worth their salt.  Sounds pretty cut and dry to me.

Dec 10, 2010 09:35 AM
Randy "Lazarus" McAtee
Lazarus Realty - Fresno, CA
Owner/Broker, Lazarus Realty, Fresno California

Lee, actually i've noticed a dramatic improvement in pictures on the MLS but still am amazed at what I see.  Code of Ethics --- not sure what to say except that it seems like the last 3 years everyone has tossed the rule book out the window starting with the BANKS.

I tend to get rather cynical based upon things I see take place in this industry.  The truth is there are bad apples in EVERY business.  I just feel that we have MORE than our fair share.




Dec 23, 2010 07:15 AM