
Are you throwing your Klout around ???

Mortgage and Lending with Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc



So what is Klout ??  The Klout Score is the measurement of your overall online influence. I am new to this system and not an expert, but I am starting to understand it gradually.

Your Klout score can range from 1 to 100 and the higher scores just represent your sphere of influence online. Klout uses up to 35 different variables from Facebook and Twitter which measure your True Reach, Amplification Probability, and Network Score.



social networking


I am sure by now that many of us understand the true importance of social networking. May it be Facebook, Twitter, participating on sites such as Active Rain, and writing good blog posts that get searched on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc, etc.

So, do you know how you are doing? Have many followers on Facebook, as facebook friends? Do you try to engage your friends daily, through Facebook posts or Tweets?

Overall, it has been proven that this should be a part of your daily activities and part of your business plan. Now you have a program called Klout that can give you some perspective on how you are doing and or reaching others.




Klout is broken into three main categories when determining your score.


True Reach

True Reach is the size of your engaged audience.

True reach is broken up into reach and demand. Such examples of how far has your content been spread across twitter and are people adding you to lists and or following these lists. Also, how often are your follows reciprocated.

Amplification Probability

Amplification Probability is the likelihood that your content will be acted upon. You want to generate good content. This category is the measure of how often do your messages/posts get retweeted or spark a conversation. The total score is based on engagement, velocity, and activity. Such examples would be, how diverse are the groups that follow you, how often do people retweet you or is it the same few followers, are you tweeting to much or to little, and do your tweets or retweets get replies.


Network Influence

Network Influence is the influence level of your engaged audience.  These can be done by such actions as retweets, follows, lists, likes, and messages. Each time a person performs one of these tasks in regards to your and or your information, it's a testament to your authority and the quality of your content. Klout also looks at the Klout scores of others who follow you and perform these such tasks.




Summary : In my opinion, you should have a Facebook and Twitter account. You should be engaging your followers and friends with interesting questions and very good content. I know it has worked for me in various ways. Not just name recognition, but new clients such as borrowers and realtors.

Overall, I am still learning a lot of this. It seems to never stop, but I think just doing the basics is a huge step and will propel you over the average person in your indusdtry and or market. So, Just Do It, Klout it up...


More Details about Your Klout Score


Disclosure & my opinion :  Klout is a good indicator, but one should not to dwell on their score. Trying to get it higher because you can manipulate Klout.  You should focus on how you engage others in a sincere and genuine manner. As long as you get real live results, it shouldn't matter what your score is.  ps.. Mine is a 46... was a 48 3 days ago.


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Copyright © 2011 by Jeff Belonger of Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc

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Atlanta's Home Inspector, David Lelak IHI Home Inspections
IHI Home Inspections 404-788-2581 - Canton, GA
Experience the IHI Difference

Great information, going over there to check it out and see what my Klout is. Thanks!

Dec 15, 2010 04:23 AM
Steve, Joel & Steve A. Chain
Chain Real Estate Investments & Mortgage, Steve & Joel Chain - Cottonwood, CA


I'm with you; KLOUT knows more about me than I know about KLOUT. You have a great attitude. If someone isn't still learning in today's marketplace they're not in the market.



Dec 15, 2010 05:15 AM
Debbie Gartner
The Flooring Girl - White Plains, NY
The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers

Cool.  I have a score of 38. Not sure if that is good or bad.  It classifies me as consistent (but not creative).

Dec 15, 2010 05:37 AM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

DAVID & BONNIE... .'  my pleasure and let us know.. ;o)

STEVE... . I agree with your statement... not that Klout is something that one should focus on, but you should pay a little attention to what it means and what you should be doing in your daily business practices.. daily business plan... and that is basically engaging properly.. hoping for some solid leads.

DEBBIE.... .  good... I have spoken to a few about this.. as I told Steve, this is a good indicator, but not to dwell on the score... trying to get it higher.. I am going to add an update to my post now, at the bottom. thanks  ps.. consistent is very good...


Dec 15, 2010 06:18 AM
John Mulkey - Waleska, GA
Housing Guru

Thanks Jeff.  I see Klout as just one more tool we can use as we grow our businesses and adjust to the  constant changes of technology.

Dec 15, 2010 06:45 AM
Gerry Michaels
Glasswork Media Arts - Gettysburg, PA
GettysburgGerry Social Meida

Nice job Jeff, I have recently dropped my facebook account and am concentrating on Twitter, it seems to be working to my advantage. I will probably redo a facebook page in the future but concentrate it on business rather than socializing

Dec 15, 2010 07:00 AM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans


JOHN... .  I agree, just another tool that can help you grow your business.. gives you some insight to your online presence.

GERRY... .  thanks for the compliment.  In my opinion though, I wouldn't drop your facebook account. Just another good way to stay in front of others and how to market yourself.. but on a personal level and on a business level and with a business fan page.


Dec 15, 2010 08:10 AM
Marilyn Boudreaux
Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty - Lake Charles, LA
Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor

this was one of my activities last week after RainCamp when I discovered apparently I don't have much Klout LOL

Well I do in reality know I have Klout I just have to work on it in the social media world :)  This is good information sharing with others how it works Jeff so thanks for posting

Dec 15, 2010 09:46 AM
Lola Audu
Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate - Grand Rapids, MI
Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!

I just heard about this tool recently as well.  It's a tool to measure engagement and I think that in and of itself is fascinating.  Ultimately, it doesn't really matter how many connections you have if you're not engaging any of them...

Dec 15, 2010 01:26 PM
Damon Gettier
Damon Gettier & Associates, REALTORS- Roanoke Va Short Sale Expert - Roanoke, VA
Broker/Owner ABRM, GRI, CDPE

Jeff, this sounds interesting.  I am assuming I would have to be big on twitter to have a good score?  I am not on twitter much anymore.....I still can't figure it out.

Dec 15, 2010 01:33 PM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans


MARILYN... . you have plenty of clout with me, we just need to work on your klout... lol   And as I have tried to express, we shouldn't focus hard on this, but should pay attention to this... thanks

LOLA... . I totally agree 110%, if you are engaging them, it doesn't matter how many connections you have. Those that have 20,000 followers on Twitter, yet all they do is spam Tweets... they might get some business... but my leads will be stronger and better, because I am putting quality out there with a personal sincere touch.. just my opinion. thanks

DAMON... .  well, I gave you the link for the Klout score... it's divided up upon 35 different things, between Twitter and Facebook... I don't do that much on Twitter, but what I usually do is of quality stuff and people have made lists with myself included in those lists... that helps...  thanks


Dec 15, 2010 04:11 PM
Alexsandra Stewart
Remax equity group - Portland, OR
Broker - Portland Oregon Real Estate

Jeff -- I'm not real active on Twitter, more so on Facebook.  Klout tagged me as an explorer with a score of 52 -- but also pointed out that I am not much of an inluencer -- which says to me, that I might want to ficus more on some content that others would find interesting.  As I said on your 31 days post -- I need to spend some time figuring out what it all means.  I think it is not an end all ,be all  thing-- it is , as you say - an indicator.


Dec 15, 2010 05:04 PM