
Pets - Dogs, Cats, and Otherwise

Real Estate Sales Representative with The Claus Team


Pets - what can you say? These furry little fun machines cost money, tear stuff up, leave hair all over the house, pee and poo in odd places, and always seem to need something at the most inconvenient of times. However, despite all of this we will go to the ends of the earth to give them what they want. I know that I do.

I have a Boxer named Bella. She's almost 2 years old. She is, I believe, the cutest dog that has ever existed. Want to see a picture of her? Ok, get ready. I'm serious. She is beyond adorable. Here she is:

Ok, really, isn't that the cutest dog that you have ever seen? When you pull out a camera, she actually poses. My wife and I have a daughter that does nothing but waste 100 AA batteries a month taking pictures of this dog. I can't get mad - just look at her!

To see an entire album of pictures, go here --

Ok, enough about my fantastically cute and wonderful dog. My point in bringing all of this up is that we are SO happy that we got Bella. We love this dog! Our lives have been full of laughter and adventure since we got this dog. Not that we didn't have those things before, you understand, but it's at a higher level than it was before. Pets are just that way. Well, I found a website that has a "Pet Finder" feature.

The website is called Petfinder.Com. It's awesome! Let's say that you wanted to find a pet in Schertz, Texas that was up for adoption. You could do so by simply putting in a basic criteria of what you are looking for, hit search, and "voila," you have a list of pets to choose from - with pictures. Now the only problem is not getting more pets than you need. Don't start a farm! Another cool feature on PetFinder.Com are the videos. You can watch videos of the pets you are interested in. Check this one out. It's really funny --

A website like this is great if you already live in Schertz or if you are relocating to Schertz and are thinking about getting a pet. In fact, this website is great regardless of where you live or are relocating. Its database is HUGE! Have fun search.



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Sam White
College Station, TX
Integrated Marketing - Bryan College Station,

What a cute boxer.

Have a good day in Schertz.


Sep 12, 2007 08:38 AM
Sam White
College Station, TX
Integrated Marketing - Bryan College Station,

What a cute boxer.

Have a good day in Schertz.


Sep 12, 2007 08:40 AM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
Hey Mrs Claus..Love your name!Also,love the pet pictures!I am enclosing a picture of our office ham...Snowball..he is our company CEO(Cat Executive Officer)
Sep 12, 2007 09:21 AM
Jeanine Claus
The Claus Team - Schertz, TX

What an awesome mascat, I mean, mascot. You can tell that he/she knows they rule the roost.


Sep 13, 2007 02:14 AM