The most important product I can offer to my clients is life insurance. Unfortunately, most people don't realize they need it until it is too late. Everyday you wait to buy, the more expensive life insurance becomes. Not to mention cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many other increasingly common conditions can make it impossible to even get life insurance. Think about your mortgage, student loans, credit card debt, funeral and burial expenses. Think about the quality of life for your spouse and family left behind. I have talked to many people who inform me that they already have $100,000 of life insurance. That's great! The problem is, they feel they have more than enough to take care of everything and everyone they leave behind. The problem is, $100,000 could easily be too little. The chart below breaks down life insurance face values and what they mean in terms of a monthly income for the loved ones left behind. Please take some time to look at the chart and consider how much life insurance you should have. Once you have determined your need, feel free to contact me. I would love to help you protect those you care about.