
Best Kept Secret for Dog Owners in Silver Spring, Md

Real Estate Agent with Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc MD 82788

  Charlie Cook @ Cleverdog Day Care Silver SpringI just discovered a great Doggie Daycare place for Charlie.  The best part about it, it's only a 3-5 minute drive from my house.  It's Clever Dog.  This is Charlie's 2nd Day there.  He went for the first time on Tuesday. He comes home happy and tired when he's been to Daycare. He can be with other dogs in a pack or he can play with them.  He gets walked every few hours and the staff plays with him.  The place is clean and very spacious.  They have the dogs separated by personality and size. Another cool thing is they have a live NANNY CAM or Doggie Cam.  You can log on anytime and see how your pup is doing.  They are open from 7AM - 7PM on weekdays, 10AM - 5PM and are closed on Sundays.  You can also board your dog or have your dog groomed at Cleverdog.
I hate having to put Charlie in Jail (I mean, in his crate) while I'm gone for a long day showing houses, on listing appointments or in the office.  I feel like I've discovered the best thing since sliced bread for me and my dog at Cleverdog!  Cleverdog Dog Day Care Silver Spring

The Cleverdog Facility is in the same warehouse facility space as the Capitol Dog Training Club

Capitol Dog Training Club is hosting AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day this coming Sunday Sept 16th. 
Events for this day are:
CGC & TDI tests - Registration 11:30 - 12:30 Testing Begins at 12 noon
Photos - Have Timmy's picture taken with Fido for your holiday cards! 1-3 pm -$10
Rally and Agility Demos
Application of
 Microchip by Veternarian - $25
Washington Humane Society Representative - Looking for foster homes for high energy dogs. 


Posted by

If you are planning a move to or from the Silver Spring or Takoma Park, Maryland area, put my 30 years of local experience and expertise to work for you.  Licensed in Maryland and the District of Columbia. 

Call or email me at:  

Cell      (301) 233-8309            Debbie Cook - Silver Spring Takoma Real Estate
The Silver Bee Silver Spring Real Estate Blog
Home  (301) 587-3528


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Patricia Kennedy
RLAH@properties - Washington, DC
Home in the Capital
Debbie, Donna Cleverdon is a favorite of many area dog owners!  Right now, Willie the hyper-active Labradoodle is with my sister until the lead paint dust is cleared out of my house.  I really miss him!
Sep 13, 2007 11:17 AM
Debbie Cook
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc - Silver Spring, MD
Silver Spring and Takoma Park Maryland Real Estate

Hey Patricia,

Thanks for commenting. That place is sooo organized. They are in the process of remodeling - Looks like it's going to be even bigger and nicer very soon.  What a lifesaver it's going to be for me! 

Does Willie behave and stay by himself in the house while you work or go out for long periods?

Sep 13, 2007 12:01 PM
Donna Yates
BHGRE - Metro Brokers - Blue Ridge, GA
Blue Ridge Mountains
Debbie:  I hate the thought of you having to leave Charlie in his crate too!  This daycare sounds like the perfect solution and I'm so glad you have something like that where you are because there's nothing in my area but what a great idea for your four legged family members!
Sep 15, 2007 07:16 AM
Cynthia Tilghman, Realtor® Onslow County NC Home Specialist
Kingsbridge Realty, Inc - Hubert, NC
Hi Debbie,
I think these doggie daycares are great, leaving a dog alone all day is no fun for anyone.  Can you imagine how boring and lonesome that must be?

Sep 16, 2007 11:33 AM
Rhona Sutter
The Pet Realty Network - Naples, FL
Hello Debbie - I am so pleased that Charlie likes Doggie Day Care.  It is so great to find a really good one.  Even though my dog Pimms has dogs to play with in the office he seems to know when Thursdays roll around and he gets to play with his long time buddies at Camp Gulfshore.  He does not even have to be checked in but runs down the hall by himself to meet and greet his friends.  As this is part of his Veterinarian's facility I know that he will be well looked after and that is so important when letting your dog play with others.
Sep 17, 2007 02:39 AM
Sharon "Toni" Brown
Exit Realty United - South Ozone Park, NY
South Ozone Park - New York City Real Estate

Ok So I am saying to myself is Debbie a dog lover?  Then I say Well, of course she is!  My travel and lifestyle make it impossible for me to make the wonderful commitment to being a dog owner.  I however love them and met very few (except this really crazy terrier 2 doors down, they moved) who don't love me back and try to follow me home. Sounds like a great place for your pooch.

Sep 18, 2007 06:00 AM
delete account
Clayton, MO
Hi Debbie. What a great idea! Doggy daycare. I think these are a brilliant idea! Its always good to know where they are in your area. :)
Sep 23, 2007 07:53 AM


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