Funny how easy it is to forget God when we have to get business done. How easy it is to get the news about a buyer having a severe challenge in qualifying for a loan on one of your listings, and then spending hours attempting to find a solution, without taking a few quiet minutes to ask the Creator for the wisdom and understanding to approach the problem from His angle.
Solomon made it clear to those he loved that they had a blessing waiting for them, when he said, "Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding" (Proverbs 3:13). Again, when he told his loved ones what his father had taught him when he commanded, "Get wisdom, get understanding.... Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, and with all your getting, get understanding." (Proverbs 4:5/7). He did not stress this subject lightly.
For those who believe, faith has everything to do with Real Estate. Those of you who do believe, MUST make your first response one of faith, and immediately turn to God for his direction. What a waste of critical time when you don't. He has the answers, for inside of you is a URL called the Holy Spirit, that can take you to ANY link that is needed at the moment. You don't even have to ask Google! You don't have to choose between the ABOUT 175,000,000 replies that Google has for the word FAITH. And, if you have "an ear to hear, what the Spirit is saying...", the answer will be faster than Google.
What does Faith have to do with Real Estate? Everything.