
How to rotate a video within the YouTube tutorial

Real Estate Agent with J. Rockcliff, REALTORS

My niece called me the other day asking why a video she uploaded to YouTube from her mobile phone displayed sideways.  She wanted to know if there was a way to rotate it so it displayed correctly. 

For those who may not know this, YouTube does have a Video Editor that they launched back in June.  It's a nifty little editor for those who don't have (or cannot figure out) their own video editing software.  It allows you to rotate, trim the beginning and ends, and add music to your uploaded videos.  If you have a few videos you want to combine together, you can also add transitions between them.  (Caution on the music/audio swap feature because if you add music, it will delete any previous audio associated with your video).  Once you have edited your video, you SAVE it, give it a new TITLE and PUBLISH it. 

So, for those of you who have experienced the same situation as my niece, here's a short little tutorial on how to correct it within the YouTube Video Editor.

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I live, work and play in Walnut Creek, CA!  For Real Estate and community information about this beautiful city as well as the surrounding areas, please visit my website at

Terri Adams-Scott, REALTOR®

DRE# 01397740

J. Rockcliff Realtors

1700 N. Main St., Walnut Creek, CA   94596

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Connie Goodrich
Keller Williams Realty - McKinney, TX
CRS ABR (McKinney Realtor)Texas
Great information and love the explantioan and visual as well. Thanks!
Dec 28, 2010 07:10 AM
Terri Adams-Scott
J. Rockcliff, REALTORS - Walnut Creek, CA
Realtor, Walnut Creek CA Real Estate
Connie - You're welcome! Thanks and Happy New Year!
Dec 28, 2010 07:24 AM
Lee & Pamela St. Peter
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices YSU Realty: (919) 645-2522 - Raleigh, NC
Making Connections to Success in Real Estate

Fantastic tutorial video Terri!  I've never used the YouTube editor myself but you never know when it might come in handy!  
Come join us over at VBloggers .  It's new group dedicated to video bloggers using their OWN videos - we're learning from each other!

Feb 16, 2011 08:52 AM
Terri Adams-Scott
J. Rockcliff, REALTORS - Walnut Creek, CA
Realtor, Walnut Creek CA Real Estate
Pamela, Thanks for the comment and for viewing the tutorial. I'll go check out VBloggers!
Feb 16, 2011 12:19 PM