
Naples, Florida - Sun, Fun and COLD

Real Estate Agent with John R Wood Realtors SL 3096476

Baby it's Cold Outside

The fun and sun our relatives wanted for their Christmas vacation in Naples, Florida was a little difficult this year. Too cold for the 4 out of 5 days they were here. Even though they are from Indiana, they shivered along with the rest of us! Our homes in Southwest Florida are just not cold proof. And to add insult to injury our electric costs are about $.35 cents for AC an hour versus $.75 for so called heating. Our heat is air blown across a coil and that's it. We actually went out and bought a space heater. There are times I feel like I'm back up north and I'm not liking it at all.     

We did manage to fish one day on our boat. But here comes some more complaining. Because of the lunar eclipse and full moon the tides in the 10,000 Islands were the lowest we have seen in the 8+ years we have been on the waters down here. We follow channel markers extremely closely and we still got stuck. Fortunately, the tide was coming in and within 45 minutes we were on our way. We did laugh, have a good time and poked a little fun at the "Captain". Later that day when it warmed we actually caught fish!           

We broke records for lows and we are just wondering what we have in store for January through March. Time will tell. Just a side note of inforamtion, always expect weird weather during full moon. Try not to book your vacation during the full or new moon. Oh, and if you live here full time, go buy a coat.

Have a wonderful 2011

Lynn Bower                                             


Posted by

Lynn M. Bower ABR, GRI, RSPS
John R Wood Realtors
Direct: 239.438.6784


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Marilyn Harrell
Better Homes and Acres - Beaverton, MI
Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI

Yes it is! With snow in the forecast every day this week! Sounds like you had a good time despite the delay! Interesting information - have a great day!

Jan 02, 2011 10:15 PM
Lynn M. Bower
John R Wood Realtors - Naples, FL

Thanks Marilyn, We did have a good time and finally....this weekend it warmed up to 80 degrees, our normal for this time of year. I hope, where ever you are, you have a wonderful day and 2011.

Jan 02, 2011 10:33 PM