
Aliens From Outter Space Want to Know Why ~ an Editorial Thought

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Earth and Moon

Just a thought for now and 2011

I want you to think of something I was thinking of today.

We are created in the image of God. We are also on the 3rd planet from our Star. If our planet were closer or farther away from our Star, our environment would not exist and we, most likely, would not exist either. Our placement here, in this place, our lives, is by no accident.

If space aliens do/did exist, visit our planet, ect... they come here, not to tap into our technology but to discover the beings God created, in His image, in His likeness and to discover more what He is like through His creation. They probably would also be out to answer "why"; why we haven't developed our God given talents. Why we have the capacity to love yet refuse to love each other, our environment, ourselves and Him. Why we war and fight yet are the greatest healers the creator of the universe could ever conceive. Why we limit ourselves beyond all reasoning (mentally, physically, emotionally) and allow the reckless emotions of anger, hate, unforgiveness, depression, despair, greed, lust and selfishness to consume us, devour us, like flames do to moths.

Just think for a moment: there is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to shun, yet we make the conscious choice daily to allow one or the other to become our constant reality. Why? If there are visitors from other planets, they're not here to harm. They come to try and understand one of the greatest dilemmas in the universe. Why?

Why do the very children of God, incredibly and wonderfully designed and created, the workmanship of a skilled what they do. Why they allow others to force them into a box and to conform to a likeness of an ant or even a "virus" instead of the becoming the Image of God they have been designed in.

Why we would allow anything, anyone or ourselves to stop us from becoming what we are truly meant to become? Why would we not love as He is Love. We deny our own existence; our own possibilities? The choice is yours, is mine. We are so much better, so more valuable than we can possibly imagine.  You are the diamond, you are the rare jewel, much, much more precious than anything you can dream.

No scientist, no politician, no ruller can ever take away His fingerprint of who you are and who you CAN become. No one. You have unlimited potential. Do not limit yourself or your abilities. Live your life to the fullest this year, this day, this hour. Become all you are meant to become.

God is Good.
