No one will ever forget the date - 9/11. The date is spoken of, not as a date anymore, but as an event - a tragedy - that will forever lives on the minds of Americans, indeed, the world, from now on. And our country pulled together as they never have before. Since that time the country has continued to pull together. It hasn't stopped. Our support of each other, and our countries troops, has been consistent.
There is an organization that gives absolutely unbelievable amounts of support to the troops and their families. They put together events, keep everyone updated on what is happening across the country (and world), solicit financial (and otherwise) support for the families of our soldiers who have passed from this earth or are overseas, and do many, many other things that go unnoticed by a great many people. The organization is called Operation Home Front. Please go to their website to see what you may be able to do.
Jeanine Claus, of The Claus Team, has been a consistent supporter of this organization. One of the events that Operation Home Front does, the Freedom Walk, just took place. Jeanine was there on the front line doing a 2.5 mile walk in support, and as a reminder.
What an awesome event! It was held at Brackenridge Park, in San Antonio, Texas. It was like half of the city showed up to show their loyalty, love, and honor. Incredible!
Let's not forget about our troops, whether local or abroad. Support them. Remember them. And remember their families. There's always something that we can do to help. It may seem trivial to you, but it may be lifechanging for them.
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nwRealty.Com - Tacoma, WA
I think of them every day. I served in the first Gulf War and now my son is approaching the age where he will be subject to the draft when/if it is reinstated.
Sep 14, 2007 06:35 AM