With houses just not moving on the market 1 suggestion I can make to really make your houses shine is to put them on a diet for the New Year. A de-clutter diet. Bring in an Organizer to get rid of all the stuff. You as realtors should not be doing this job. Hire a professional who is a member of NAPO to really get the house in order and get rid of all the unecessary clutter that is taking away from the true selling points of the house.Top to bottom, closets, garage, attic and all areas visual to the eye, even the kitchen is a wining spot to clean up.
It is your job to show the seller how they can really make money by investing in organizing and de-clutering their home to make it much more attractive for a quicker sale. see photos at mydivineconcierge.com
Happy New Year
Good luck with the house diet.