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How Many Pieces in YOUR Puzzle and What to Do With Them All

Education & Training with Master Agent Life FL- SL3293940

Look at every part of your life and business as little pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Most people have those big puzzle pieces that fit together so easily a 3 year-old can manage it on the kitchen floor. Realtors... hahaha! We have a whole 'nother kinda puzzle don't we? Ours is more like those 1,000-piece jobs that are so tiny we can barely see what's pictured on them and it takes weeks (or even months with our schedules) to get it finished. With our lives, we have no problem identifying the pieces... we even know very well which pieces are corners and which form the edges. All those middle ones though... we tend to lose sight of them and sometimes... some of them even fall behind the table and get stuck where we can't see them.

As crazy chaotic Realtors, it seems one of the hardest things we face is keeping it all together... We're GREAT at making lists, setting goals, knowing what needs to happen... I mean c'mon... how many training classes have we sat through over the years??? The problem is FOCUS and BALANCE. Our puzzle pieces just get plain LOST.

We lose our balance with all the crazy interruptions and last minute items that creep up throughout the day (along with our own tendency to become easily distracted all on our own). Once the balance is gone, the focus jumps ship with it and before you know it... you're back to drive-through meals because you're starved, it's 3pm and you haven't eaten all day, no time for the gym membership you just signed up for, and what is going on with this schedule??!! Sound familiar?

Okay so here's the thing... I know you know what NEEDS to happen. I know how much training you've been through and that you really don't need another training program. I know what you need to do is incorporate everything you've learned with some focusing techniques specifically created for chaotic real estate people like yourself so you can IMPLEMENT everything you've already learned, maintain your balance, and actually keep those resolutions this year! Even the personal ones...

If this sounds like you and you're ready to change things for good this time, give me a call. I truly want to help this become a great year for you... the kind of year where not only are you doing better financially, you FEEL better about your life, the flow of things, the time you're spending with your loved ones, and the way you handle everything as it comes throughout your day. THAT is what makes a successful balanced life.

Check out the site at www.MyRealLifeNOW.com and even if 2010 was a rough year and you're thinking the last thing you can do is hire a coach... call me anyway... I want to help. It's time we all started thinking about ourselves as part of the larger community. :)


Angela K. Simanek, Simply Consulting

Call us! 347-374-1379

Email us! angela.simanek@gmail.com

Check the site! www.SimplyConsulting.info

Join the Program! www.MyRealLifeNow.com

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