
Resolution Revolution: "Live & Let Diet" P.1

Real Estate Attorney with Jenny L Colón, PC

Dining Revolution:

   Leaving my wife a widow at such a young age doesn’t seem like too nice of a thing. So bragging about what I’m not going to do but intend to do would be rather unwise, I think.   Food Network’s Alton Brown last year put a show on explaining how he lost 50 pounds eating exactly what he wanted to eat. (see episode ‘Live and Let Diet’)  With this as our guide we begin this year with very different eating habits along with a modest exercise plan intended on focusing on cardio and muscle toning.

Breakfast of Champs:


   Vitamin and protein dense foods are what will be on the menu for

the rest of the year and so far breakfast was quite the treat. A 300+ calorie oatmeal concoction that covered my whole grain, fruit, dairy, and vitamin c for the day!!!

   Below is a picture of the ingredients I used, which proved to be rather filling!  I thought I was going to need more, but boy was I wrong.  I think that Alton guy has somethi

ng here.  =^D

What I Used:

      1 Serving of Oats, 1 Serving of Strawberries, 1/2 Serving of Peaches, 1/2 Serving of Skim Milk (with 1/2 cup of water), 1 Tablespoon of Splenda, & a Dash of Salt (to taste). = 325 Calories and a very full stomach!



       Now, I'm not a Doctor, Nutritionist, or a Personal Trainer. Please know that this is simply a blog series about my journey on how I'm getting back in shape! I would love any stories or advice anyone may have!  Have a great New Year AR.


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...By the way, if you or any-one you know is looking to move to Hampton Roads, could you share with me their name and number? I would love to take care of them and show them how they too can, "Close Smoother With Shaffer."



Joe Colón Jr.

Recruiter/RE Agent for Shaffer Realty, LLC

(757) 377-1225Direct

(757) 468-5000 Office

500 Baylor Court, Ste. B

Chesapeake, VA 23320

If you would like to know more about me, I invite you to come and click here.

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Joni Bailey
101 Main St. Realty - Huntsville, TX
Your Huntsville / Lake Livingston Area REALTOR®

Blah! Can't we just eat a bunch of Subways and loose 100s of pounds like that guy did?!? LOL

Jan 03, 2011 01:33 PM
Joni Bailey
101 Main St. Realty - Huntsville, TX
Your Huntsville / Lake Livingston Area REALTOR®

Blah! Can't we just eat a bunch of Subways and loose 100s of pounds like that guy did?!? LOL

Jan 03, 2011 01:33 PM
Joe Colón, Jr.
Jenny L Colón, PC - Chesapeake, VA

HAHAHAHAHA! Well, I would if it wasn't so dang boring to eat nothing but Subway three to four times a day for an entire year...yeah, that would drive me nuts. LOL

Jan 03, 2011 02:13 PM
Gabrielle Kamahele Rhind
KGC Properties LLC, Tucson Property Management & Real Estate - Tucson, AZ

HI JOE!  I really have to push myself away from the table no matter what I eat -- it's portion size that challenges me!  So - I tend to put chia seeds (yes like that pet that grows hair only "not" the same") in my food and/or fruit smoothies.  It fills me up and keeps me full for a long time. Good luck - and I have to agree - oatmeal is very filling.  (PS- someone once told me that if you buy steel-cut oatmeal it's even better??!! Just a side-note) -- G

Jan 05, 2011 10:34 AM
Joe Colón, Jr.
Jenny L Colón, PC - Chesapeake, VA

Hmm, I'm going to have to try that Gab. It's now the end of week  one and I have lost 3lbs while Jenny lost 7!  I'm so jealous.

Jan 10, 2011 05:03 AM