How in the world did a guy from a small family owned company in Kansas City make Loopnet's top 100 list?
Hard Work! is arguably the most important and trafficked website for commercial real estate in the world. Whats more it owns the top search engine ranking for several other categories also. Google search for commercial real estate, investment property or even horse farms or land for sale and pops up somewhere.
I've been a Loopnet user for many years, and I've found it a great source for marketing commercial real estate, equestrian property and investment property. While I use hundreds of other sites, Loopnet's resources are vital if you are in anything other than residential property.
So how'd I do it and what will I do with it next?
Almost every listing I get goes on Loopnet, I also link to my Loopnet profile and listings frequently. I promote those listings through multiple sites and social networks. I also Tweet every listing and share them on Facebook.
Now that I know I have been successful at what I am doing I will make sure to re-double my efforts to increase my ranking on and make it pay off that much more!
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100 Most Popular LoopNet Members
I may be only #64 now, but baby I'm movin' on up!
Loopnet, Costar Xceligent Commerical Real Estate Sites.
What Big Commercial Real Estate Doesn't want you to know