Happy New Year Everyone! Cheers to an amazing 2011 in the Real Estate market!
If you are like me, you have already made a list or started thinking about your list of New Year's resolutions. In early January, I am eager to get started on all of my new goals. The obvious and consistent goals for me are related to my family, faith and health.
But, I do include some resolutions for my business as well. Should I do this? A very high percentage of resolutions fail! They fail fast! Why would I want to set my business goals up for failure? We don't have to look at it this way.
I believe that you must "plan your work and work your plan"! Create your goals (resolutions) in writing and find an accountability partner to keep each other on track. Real estate is an "activity" based business and this lends itself well to resolution type goals.
This year, I plan on getting back to some basics, including: 1) setting aside time in my calendar for specific tasks like recruiting and prospecting, 2) writing hand written notes, 3) farming a neighborhood consistently, 4) making phone calls (not texts) to past clients and asking for referrals and oh yeah.....5) Blogging consistently!!
I hope this year that I can treat my resolutions as life long changes instead of goals with a beginning and end. What are some of your real estate business resolutions for 2011?
Image via Wikipedia
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New Year's Resolutions(mn2az.blogspot.com)
