I’m Thinking About Buying a Foreclosure and The Bank Won’t Make Repairs, Should I Get an Inspection Anyway?
Here's fantastic information provided by the HousingGuru.com I have seen some of my clients get fantastic discounts and upgrade based on the findings of a professional home inspector. Recently a young couple was able to get a credit for a hot water tank replacement. And the bank also had a basic roof tuneup completed. Someone Says It's Not Possible It Could Be They're Not Willing to Try. Choosing a professional home inspector who can properly document the homes condition with photographs and illustrations will better your chances.
A recent visitor to TheHousingGuru.com asked the following question: “I’m thinking about buying a foreclosure and the bank won’t make repairs, should I get an inspection anyway?"
Yes, you should absolutely get the home inspected, and here’s why. While the bank may not be willing to make repairs—though they will sometimes do so even after saying no—you could avoid purchasing a home that might become a “money-pit.” The home might have serious hidden defects that only a trained inspector can find.
If, for instance, you discover that the home has a foundation or settling problem, it could cost thousands to repair, and you can take that information and walk away, looking for a better option. The home could have any number of serious structural or mechanical problems that may not be readily visible. Yes, get the home inspected. It could save you lots of money and heartache.
And if you have never contracted with an inspector, here are some guidelines that may help you choose a qualified home inspector. Here are ten questions to ask potential home inspectors:
1. How long have you been the business? It’s better to select an inspector with experience. While a newer inspector can be just as qualified, experience is often the best teacher.
2. Do you have special training/certification? Just being familiar with construction is not enough. While many inspectors have experience in various construction fields, special training for inspectors is offered and will have been taken by a qualified inspector.
3. Is this your full-time occupation and how many inspections do you do each year? You want someone who is serious about the business and has made a full-time commitment. The number of annual inspections should let you know if this is true.
4. What does your inspection cover? An inspection should comply with any state or local requirements and the standards of practice of professional inspector’s associations. It should cover the structure, mechanical systems, and items that are not in compliance with building codes (codes change, items not in compliance with current code may have been when constructed; the inspector should point those out). If you have specific areas of concern make sure those will be covered also.
5. What type of inspection report do you provide and how soon after inspection will I receive it? An inspection report must be written, and spell out in detail all aspects of the inspection as well as defects discovered. You should receive a report within 24 hours of inspection.
6. Can I be present for the inspection? You should always be present. It’s much easier to understand the items pointed out in the inspection report if you can see them as they are discovered; and you can also get clarification of anything you don’t understand. If it’s impossible to be there, send someone to represent you.
7. Are you a member of a professional home inspector association? While membership is not a measurement of competency, it is a good indication that the inspector takes his profession seriously.
8. Do you carry errors and omissions insurance? A good inspector will carry errors and omissions insurance to cover items that may be missed on the inspection. Even the best of inspectors can miss something, and those things can cost thousands. Having coverage will make the correction process much easier.
9. Do you offer repairs based upon your inspection? If the inspector says yes, they should be removed from your list. It’s a serious conflict of interest to offer repairs to problems an inspector discovers. You don’t even want the inspector’s recommendation of friends or associates to do repairs.
10. Can you provide me with a list of recent customers? A professional inspector will readily offer a list of references, which should include some customers, for you to check. Call several of them, get their opinion of the inspector and ask if they would use the inspector again.
You should also read, “ALWAYS—ALWAYS Hire a Home Inspector” and “Past is Prologue."
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