
Have You Seen My Bench? Hummmm?

Home Inspector with CIA Home Inspection Service Home Inspector San Bernardino

Recently we started to branch out into some different forms of advertising. We are now advertising our company at local country clubs and golf courses. By sponsoring a golf course you are putting your company in front of hundreds of individuals who are high income earners, investors and potential customers. It also shows the individuals who frequent these locations that you enjoy some of the same activities that they do. . There are several ways that you can sponsor a country club or golf course.

  1. Sponsor a bench. Your logo and business information will be provided on the back rest of the bench.
  2. Sponsor Tee sign. Get your logo and phone number on a Tee sign.
  3. Sponsor scorecard.
  4. Sponsor golf carts

There are many things that you can do to help promote your business in areas that you haven't thought of. So in 2011 Commit yourself to some good advertising

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Our Main Goal As Home Inspectors Is To Make The Buyer An Informed Buyer. We Hope Our Findings Help You Understand The Value And Importance Of A Professional Home Inspection.


David Home Inspection Services


We Proudly Serve The Areas Of

San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside County California





David Salvato is the owner of David Home Inspection Services.

We are your local home inspector serving the I-10 and I-210 Corridor from San Bernardino To Los angeles  and all points in between.

Providing Rancho Cucamonga home inspections, Upland home inspections, Corona home inspections, West Covina home inspections, Colton home inspections, La Verne home inspections, Claremont home inspections, San Dimas home inspections, Glendora home inspections, Azusa home inspections, Diamond Bar home inspections, Los Angeles home inspections, Fullerton home inspections, Placentia, Fontana home inspections, Rialto home inspections , Colton home inspections, Beaumont home inspections and surrounding areas. home inspections,


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Scott Godzyk
Godzyk Real Estate Services - Manchester, NH
One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents

Great idea, something i will look into.

Jan 06, 2011 02:16 AM
CIA Home Inspection
CIA Home Inspection Service Home Inspector San Bernardino - Los Angeles, CA

Hi Scott and thanks for commenting today. It's true. You know, I am familiar with many Realtors and Brokers who spend the afternoon on the golf courses here in Southern California I thought as a home inspector. There's no better way to promote my company in that setting. Plus were helping with the prosperity of our local golf courses.

Jan 06, 2011 02:18 AM
Wendy Betts
South Delta & S. Surrey Realtor

...even better - JOIN the Golf Club and spend every afternoon playing with "prospective clients".  Buying them a drink on the 19th should be a legit tax write-off, too!  Inspections can be worked around the valuable time spent investing in your marketing efforts!!!  (being a comedian, of course - oops - another pun there)  Cheers - Wendy Betts - Vancouver BC

Jan 06, 2011 02:22 AM
Dan Edward Phillips
Dan Edward Phillips, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, CA - Eureka, CA
Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, CA

Great idea David, and good ideas to consider where to locate the advertising.

Jan 06, 2011 02:24 AM
CIA Home Inspection
CIA Home Inspection Service Home Inspector San Bernardino - Los Angeles, CA

@Wendy, you are so funny. If I was a member of a country club would never get anything done. But I like the idea of drinks and country club!

@Dan. I thought it fitting to share some of the things that are working for us.

Jan 06, 2011 02:42 AM