
Free Cookeville Foreclosure List - Paid foreclosure sites are a rip-off!

Real Estate Agent with Investments, starter houses, luxury homes,farms, acreage

Free Cookeville Foreclosure List - Paid foreclosure sites are a rip-off!

There, I said it.  If you do a search for "Cookeville foreclosures" on Google, tons of websites come up that promise you access to the newest foreclosures in the area.  Of course, you only have to click through a couple of them to see that you have to pay to actually see the list.  There are a couple of problems with this:

1. If you develop a relationship with an awesome real estate agent (like me), then you can get the list for free.  What's more, you can get new foreclosure listings e-mailed to you immediately so that you are the first to know when a new foreclosure is listed.  How do you develop a relationship with an awesome agent like me?  Call or e-mail me, and tell me you are interested in purchasing foreclosed properties.  I'll be happy to set you up with access to them, as long as you call on me to assist you with the actual purchase. It's really that simple.

Bank Owned

(Photographer: Salvatore Vuono, courtesy of

2. The other huge problem with these "foreclosure" websites is that they are horribly out of date.  You pay your money to gain access to the listings, and discover that many of them sold 6 months ago.  I can't tell you how often I get a call about one of my foreclosure listings that's already sold. The person on the other end says, "But website ABC shows it as available".  That's because website ABC doesn't update their site very often, and if they did, the list wouldn't be very exciting.

The bottom line is that most foreclosure websites are a rip-off. They are offering to sell you outdated information that a good agent could provide you for free.  If you've been wondering how to get a free foreclosure list, now you know.

One last thing: I provide world class customer service for my clients. If you want the most current foreclosure list, I'm happy to provide it to you. Not only that, I can set you up to receive new foreclosures each day so that you are always the first to know.  All I ask in exchange for this information is that you work with me when you purchase.  If you plan to work with a different agent, then please contact them to provide you information. As you can imagine, it's not much fun to do all the work for someone else.

Request a free foreclosure list now

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Virginia Kail


Cookeville TN native. A full time, full service agent for the entire Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee.

931-260-4729 cell

True Blue Realty

931-559-TRUE  Office phone, 931-559-4256 Office Fax


Virginia Kail

Virginia Kail- real estate agent, Cookeville TN

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Bill Gillhespy
16 Sunview Blvd - Fort Myers Beach, FL
Fort Myers Beach Realtor, Fort Myers Beach Agent - Homes & Condos

Morning Virginia,  My experience has been pretty much the same as yours.  Also noticed that the callers are quick to get mad at me because they feel ripped off !   Best of 2011 to you !

Jan 08, 2011 02:25 AM
Kevin Nash
Shorewest Realtors, Metro Milwaukee - Germantown, WI

Hey Virginia,

I love it! I'm sitting here laughing at your comments but you're right., I'd rather work with an awesome agent such as yourself! Many real estate sites are out of date and have wrong data I've found through the years so you're right there again. Have a great day!

Jan 08, 2011 02:28 AM
Virginia Kail
Investments, starter houses, luxury homes,farms, acreage - Cookeville, TN
True Blue Realty, Homes and Land for Sale

Bill - You are right. I've had some people get pretty frustrated when they find out that the house they are calling about sold 6 months ago. I also get the impression that some of them don't believe me when I say it's sold.

Kevin - Glad I could add some cheer to your day. I try and throw in some humor with the shameless self promotion.  :)

Jan 08, 2011 02:40 AM
Bob McCranie
Broker Associate / Team Lead - Texas Pride Realty Group - Carrollton, TX
Your best advocate when buying or selling your hom

What I hate is that these sites and other bad agents set such low expectations for customer service and product knowledge. 

Jan 10, 2011 02:22 PM
S N Seer

How refreshing to find such honest and courageous out front comment on your web page. I've always believe that there are some very decent and honest people from all walks of life, who dare to speak out  against any ripp offs in any businesses. Thank you for the expose'e. 

Nov 25, 2012 06:40 AM