Rotary Club of Villa Park Newsletter
Happy 2011- Let's Get to Work and Grow Together!!
President Greg Mills welcomed us all back after a week off with a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Jim Glenn reminded us in his invocation to count our blessings as we prepare for another year of helping those less fortunate. Lesslie Giacobbi led us in our Pledge of Allegiance followed by our weekly recitation of the Rotary Four Way Test led by Bryan Nash. We concluded our opening ceremony with the singing of America The Beautiful.
Guests: Presented by Greeter Pam Dunn
Larry Holcombe- guest of Bob Bell
Marsha Leeg- visiting from Nevada until the great Spring thaw.
Jim Dougherty- our "Perpetual Visitor"
Bob Kreisberg- celebrated his 61st birthday on New Year's Day. After telling a very funny joke he
informed us that he shot a 41 on the front nine holes and finished with an 86. Not too shabby.
Anita Jameson- celebrated a birthday on January 2nd- Happy Birthday Anita wherever you are.
Jane Hudson- celebrated her birthday on January 4th. Wanting to "get out of town' she and Paul
ventured to Egypt to see the Pyramids.
Greg Mills- discussed how we can increase our promotion of the club's activities by
making sure we make contacts with local media. Pete Moriarty will be our new
Publicity Chair and will coordinate these efforts.
- Our Monthly Board Meeting will follow today's meeting.
- Reminder of next week's Holiday/Christmas/New Year's Party on January 13th at the
Orange County Mining Company from 6:00 to 9:00 - If you plan on bringing a
guest or guest please let Pete Moriarty know ASAP.
- Mark Your Calender: Feb 5th at 1 PM Come to the Irvine Hilton to preview the
upcoming District Conference the actual District Conference will be in April.
- Greg announced there are $650,000 in Matching Grants available. We need to
look into getting some of these funds for our projects.
- Greg also announced that our club purchased 6 refrigerators for the new hospital
at UCLA as part of Dan Cregg's project.
Pam Dunn- Still awaiting the final amount raised at the By Invitation Only event. Pam estimates
it to be between $700 and $800.
Bob Meyer- Informed us that the Orange Club is returning to the Turnip Rose in Orange for their lunch meeting. They will no longer be at The Villa due to a price increase.
Chairperson's Minute:
Jill Kuli- Community Service Chair- thanked those members who served dinner at the Ronald McDonald House on Christmas Eve- Steve & Lainey Stern, Marsha and Jim Leeg, Steven Pollack and Jay & Terry Applebaum. She particularly wanted to thank Bob Kreisberg who donated $200 toward the purchase of a car seat.
- our club also donated 4 DVD players to the troops through Bob Meyer's Operation A Bit of Home
Bob was able to purchase the players for $100 each instead of the usual cost of $137 plus tax.
Pete Moriarty- Membership Chair- informed us that Jay Lieberman will be transferring to the Anaheim Hills Club because work obligations make it difficult to attend to a breakfast meeting.
Jay was a charter member of our club and served as its inaugural president in 1995-96. He will be
missed!! We hope he can visit from time to time. We will continue to send him newsletters and
keep him on our mailing list. Lesslie Giacobbi volunteered to run the weekly raffle in his stead.
The good news is we have brought in 4 new members in 2010 and with our ongoing member ship drive hope to get 10 total new members by June 2011.
Team 1- led by JIm Glenn is responsible for member recruitment in January
Team 2- led by Brad Reese in on-deck for February.
Keep inviting those friends, neighbors and business colleagues who are looking to make a difference.
Greg Mills than auctioned off some Villa Park High Gear- raising $65
Thank you Stan Van DenBerg, Bob Meyer and Bryan Nash.
Happy Bucks:
Bob Kreisberg- told a very funny joke about the sinking of the Titanic-
Bob Meyer- told us he has been battling bladder cancer over the last few years and had a
recent operation. He is now cancer free and doing well. He also sent 110 boxes to the
John Broussard- was just very happy
Mark Schmidt along with wife Jan and Jeannie Hankins had a globe trotting adventure with stops in New York City including the Christmas Show at Radio City, Switzerland, a train ride between Zurich and Salzberg over the and through the Alps, Vienna and Rome.
Lesslie Giacobbi had a ski vacation with her grand kids.
Jay Applebaum reported that his youngest daughter Nicole won a scholarship to do summer
research at Washington University at St. Louis. She is a Freshman entering her second semester
and majoring in Biomedical Engineering.
Secret Greeter- Jeannie Hankins- welcome back and surprise!!! Her authenticity was challenged by Milt Stamos.
Speaker: Craft Talk Marianne Koepnick
Getting to know you Marianne Koepnick.
We learned that Marianne was one of three children born to her family in Seattle Washington.
She has a brother and a sister. Her father was a chemical distributor and a proud Rotarian
joining what was the 4th chartered Rotary Club in America. He was given a totem pole to commemorate his joining the club that he cherishes to this day.
The family moved to Orange when Marianne was six. Her dad worked as a salesman and reluctantly gave up his Rotary Membership. He was thrilled to learn that Marianne had joined Rotary and lent her his totem pole as a show and tell item. Marianne also passed around some nicely photo shopped photos showing off her body builders physique.
Marianne moved to Villa Park in 2001 and has a son Brandon, age 26 who is marrying this summer.
Marianne is very proud of her son. She became interested in joining our Rotary Club after reading an article in the Villa Park Hidden Jewel Magazine that was written by Jane McDonald.
Career-wise Marianne began her working career at Woolworth's at the Orange Mall. She did a variety of jobs. Her ultimate career was in computers and systems management. She worked for Quicksilver and had to get used to the mellow, relaxed business environment there, but came to enjoy Pizza Fridays. She is currently unemployed due to the down economy, but enjoys walking her four dogs and playing Cribbage.
Marianne has been an energetic and enthusiastic Rotarian and has taken the title of "Jill Kuli's Mom". The club is looking forward to many years of working with this very dynamic and multi-talented women.
Next Week:
Speaker: Judge Aquire
Remember next Thursday Evening is our Holiday Party- 6-9 PM, Orange County Mining Co.