We have been taking high-resolution images for many years so that our printed brochures look good. And my husband is into all this web programming stuff for our web site. So now he has set it up so we can publish our high resolution photos on our web site. Here's an example pole photography shot that we took a few years ago in Solana Beach:
This is nice, but it doesn't look like much because it's only 60,000 pixels. The high-res version of the photo is 8 million pixels, and with the new setup, you can see now the entire image, including the white water at the back of the photo. To see it, just click on the image or click on this link: http://www.sandiegoeast.com/page.cfm?page=InfoHighResPhoto
Our current photos range between 20 to 40 million pixels, which is substantially more detailed than this one. And, for a new listing, John has created a 600 million pixel image. Sounds crazy, but I'll put it up in a few days and you'll see why this is pretty amazing.
Margaret Hokkanen