
Snow Day In Johnston County

Services for Real Estate Pros with On Maternity Leave

Wow the snow has finally really started falling. It is only about 12 hours later than expected. The schools were all sent home early. Its definitely cold and crisp out. -- NC does it differently than the Northeast. As a kid in CT it was nearly impossible to get a snow day -- the school bus' had chains and unlike NC there is a plowing/sand/salt budget.  Loving staying home! Everyone drink some hot chocolate and watch the snow fall. 

Posted by

Jennifer Marks, Broker, CNE SFR

Mom To Be-- Loving Maternity Leave!

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William James Walton Sr.
WEICHERT, REALTORS® - Briotti Group - Waterbury, CT
Greater Waterbury Real Estate

Hi Jen!

No snow days built into the schedule, huh? But that also means that kids get out of school at the normal time in June, and not pushed back until it's almost July...

Jan 16, 2011 02:38 PM
Jennifer Marks
On Maternity Leave - Garner, NC

No- They don't plan for snow down here.  Some kids had school on Martin Luther King Day and the Year Round School kids went in on a Saturday.  Schools are a really hot topic right now in Wake County

Jan 19, 2011 05:33 AM