I was reading your profile. I bet your previous career afforded some interesting full moon experiences. I agree things do get strange when it's a full moon.
Hi Linda
That was my X wifes name but I won't hold it against ya. She was a good lady but couldn't stand to live in Africa. I spent 25 years there and am now looking for a nice place to retire. I can't find anything on the internet about Flagstaff. Can you possably help me out with a address of the Chamber of Commerce or something.
Dick West. dickwest34@yahoo.com
Hi Linda, I know this is an older post but it resonated with me. I'm with you...I do love the beauty of the full moon (one of my favorite things is to be driving down Oak Creek Canyon from Flagstaff during one), but have a healthy respect for the 'whacko factor effect'! Here in Sedona though, we're more likely to put the blame on another celestial body when things go wrong, as in "Mercury must be in retrograde again"!