When I first got in to the real estate business in the San Ramon Valley (in the San Francisco East Bay) around 10 years ago, it was common practice for agents to give their buyers a "Closing Gift" when the transaction closed. Sometimes a $50 or $100 Home Depot voucher, sometimes something a little more personal - perhaps a framed photo of their new home. Gift baskets and bottles of Champagne were others.
Now it seems that this practice is dying out. Sure, the older hands who have been in the biz for years still do it but I don't see it so much from the newer agents.
I suspect that the reasoning is that real estate should be treated more as a Business, rather than a social activity. Maybe there is some logic in that. After all, when did you last get a gift from the person who sold you your last automobile (even if it was a Mercedes)? Or from your CPA?
What do other AR members think? Is it an out-dated concept? How about home buyers? Is it expected?
And why is it buyers that get the gifts? What about sellers?