“It’s a beautiful day in Pinehurst” is what you will hear 365 days, every year, when the phone is answered at the Pinehurst Resort and Country Club. We should all be that positive! The last 3 weeks there have been 2 snow storms and continually COLD temperatures…way below normal. Snow and ice in this part of North Carolina means no snow plow trucks (except landscaping trucks that have attached scrapers for the occasional winter job), schools closed at the thought of a snowflake, empty parking lots from closed businesses, no golf, sports events cancelled, etc., etc. BUT on the positive side the snow and ice can be beautiful and peaceful, allowing for plenty of family time, downtime from work and responsibilities, cooking , cleaning out a closet or two, or just hanging out! That is if the electricity doesn’t go out! So, it IS a beautiful day in Pinehurst…rain, snow, sleet or shine!