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There are many personal attributes that are needed for success. One: a great attitude, two: hard work, three: honesty, four: knowledge and much, much more. Each of these variables are very important and without these important attributes one is very likely to fail. Today I would like to introduce you to a very important attribute that we often-times overlook. It is the “sense of urgency.”

What is this “sense of urgency” and why is it so important? Urgency is what makes us elevate our performance beyond the performance of others. It also allows us to perform well under very tough conditions. The inverse of urgency in this regard would be the feeling of complacency. One can see that those who are complacent are not likely to achieve as much as those who have a sense of urgency. That is very important to understand.. Having a PASSION to succeed….

There are fewer resources available to us in terms of money and even consumer confidence which can be defined as positive energy. We start every day with the same amount of time and the same amount of available energy. We all have the same resources to work with. Who uses them?

Many react to down periods by spending their time and energy worrying about why things are so bad. Of course, this makes most freeze up, not understanding the situation. In an era in which we need as much energy as possible, we lose our urgency because we are focused upon a “woe is me” attitude. Those who are going to succeed will need to overcome this very devastating tendency. They are going to have to rise up and gain urgency. What will urgency do for you?

Urgency will enable you to look at opportunities instead of crying about how bad things are. In other words, you will look up instead of down. Urgency will help you rise above the masses of those who are mediocre to differentiate yourself in a positive way. In this period you can actually become different just by being positive and that, in itself, represents an opportunity.

Urgency will help you achieve more in less time with less resources. Let us this as an example. How quickly and how positively do you follow-up on opportunities? Whether you are responding to an individual lead from a consumer who wants to purchase or a potential business partner, your response time and your response attitude will make all
the difference in the world.

You would think that, in this environment, business people would be hungry. Yet, many with down attitudes make their belief about failure a self-fulfilling prophesy by the way they respond to potentially positive stimuli. Successful people follow-up more quickly than  the average one. Have you become complacent because of your previous success or the environment of negativity or both?

If you answered yes to this question to any degree, you must start moving in the other direction. The business opportunities you solidify today will be the building blocks for tomorrow. Those without urgency will not have this foundation in place. Their performance will be poor today and when things pick up, they will be too far behind to catch up.  MAKE IT HAPPEN!

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Carla Harbert - Avon, OH
RE/MAX Omega: Lorain-Medina County Area

How true, which is the reason we get so much done right before going on a vacation because of "urgency" - a time limit in place.  Very informational post. Thanks for sharing.

Jan 12, 2011 02:55 PM
Marchel Peterson
Results Realty - Spring, TX
Spring TX Real Estate E-Pro

Brian, I have to be honest it depends on the quality of the lead.  I have had some lately that are just pie in the sky leads and that does make me drag my feet as I know I will find very few if any homes for them.  Now the normal lead I follow up on right away with a smile on my face.

Jan 12, 2011 03:00 PM
Christine McInerney
Great Life RE - Knoxville, TN
The McInerney Team, Knoxville TN Homes For Sale

This goes along with the importance of planning.  They say that you can accomplish anything, as long as it is in your schedule.

I have seen supper motivated home owners turn a home that was trashed into a show place in just a few hours after having a showing scheduled.  It is amazing what you can do and accomplish when a fire is lit under you.

Jan 12, 2011 03:30 PM
MaryKay Shumway
Dwell Door County Real Estate - Sister Bay, WI
Door County Wisconsin's Real Estate Expert

I found this post in 2013, and it was inspiring.  What a great reminder:  in down times, create positive energy.  It works!  Thanks for posting.

Jul 21, 2013 11:03 PM