
Gimmicks - continued...

Real Estate Sales Representative with The Claus Team


Last week I blogged about gimmicks in real estate. I specifically spoke about the whole "guaranteed" home selling tactic. I received some good comments from folks. One person in particular encouraged me to take off the sugar coating and to just call it what it is - lying, deception! This person had some strong and accurate remarks about all the nuances of the "guarantee" program.  

Well, a very interesting thing happened later that day. Please keep in mind that I wrote that blog because this topic was on my mind for no other reason than I do not see a value in the gimmick approach to getting listings. I see that it is effective, but not of value.  

Anyway, I stopped by our main office in order to show a fellow worker around who had never seen the 22,000 sf building that was just finished. It's gorgeous. She and I passed the Assistant Team Leaders office during our tour. I was very surprised to see 2 agents sitting in the ATL's office who work for an agent here in San Antonio that adores gimmicks, among other unorthodox and questionable methods of marketing. The 2 agents also saw me. We exchanged pleasantries for a moment and then parted ways. These 2 agents were on a tour of our company and its new building. Hmm!  

Of course my curiosity was sparked. Wouldn't yours be? At this point I called a friend who I knew would know exactly what is going on. I was informed that this "mega" agent had offered the 90 day guarantee, exchanged some e-mail correspondence about doing so, lapsed on the 90 days, and renegged on the, um, "guarantee(?)." The client got an attorney and is now suing. To make a long story short, this agent is in a great deal of trouble. The other agents within his group see this and are jumping ship. I don't blame them.  

I found it ironic that less than 6 hours after I wrote the blog about this particular methodology I was given a real life example of what can happen. Now, am I saying that this is the norm? No! I can't prove that. I am merely pointing out irony.  

Again, what would happen to the real estate industry were we to get back to the basics of sales, marketing, and client service? It's a question worth consideration, in my opinion.  


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Mark Lomas
Santa Barbara Real Estate - Santa Barbara, CA
Experience You Can Count On!
Good opinion!  In California, when we gave away control over the MLS, we lost the ability to govern those individuals that will say or do anything to make a sale.  It's the wild wild west out here.  Use to be if someone was caught lying they could have their MLS privilages suspended.  Now, most Boards do very little when grievances are filed.  They've lost their power.  As such, the public is screwed.  This has been great for attorneys and is a black eye on our profession...hope I havn't overstepped any boundaries here.  The deep dark secret is that when we gave away the MLS large corporations stepped and our exploiting the work we doing for gazillions of dollars we never fact, a lot of these corporations try to sell back leads to us...when will they compensate those people who provide the data.  Long story short there's no leadership right now in our industry.  We're running scared...why?  OK, this isn't the most PC comment? Any other thoughts here?
Sep 17, 2007 03:22 AM
Fran Gaspari
Patriot Land Transfer, Inc. - Limerick, PA
"The Title Man" - Title Insurance - PA & NJ


Nice post. Your last paragraph says it all! I always respect those in the real estate business who are listers and are not ashamed to proclaim it---the mark of a true professional if done ethically!!! Thanks,   Fran

Sep 17, 2007 03:39 AM
Larry Wright
nwRealty.Com - Tacoma, WA
Jeanine ... your blog jogged my recoloection that we're not seeing as many of these claims advertised in our area. 
Sep 17, 2007 03:41 AM
Chris Gempeler
Breckenridge Mountain Top Realtors - Breckenridge, CO
Mountain Top Realtors
Sold in 60 Days! I have been seeing this one around my market!
Sep 17, 2007 03:46 AM
Wendy Montoya, REALTOR® Broker Associate, 254-315-4906
Towne Adams REALTORS - Waco, TX
I see this type of marketing around my part of the country too. All I really know, is that this type of technique is just not me. It goes against my grain. That's all I really have to worry about for the most part, but it does make me wonder sometimes about how effective and ethical it all is. Thank you for sharing with us a very negative repercussion that might result from this type of marketing.
Sep 17, 2007 03:54 AM
Jeanine Claus
The Claus Team - Schertz, TX

Mr. Lomas,

You bring up an interesting topic to blog about. So, let me do some research on this so that I am not just touting my own opinion on the matter. I mean, I know that my opinion is tantamount and all (kidding), but some other considerations will be worthwhile.

I will post on this either today or tomorrow.

Thanks so much,


Sep 17, 2007 07:27 AM