
How do you find your real estate business???

Mortgage and Lending with Peoples Mortgage


So, I think we all know by now that the state of this real estate market is not what it used to be and probably will never be again. Some of us have cried, some of us have yelled, screamed and complained to even our clients about all the negative changes going on. But, why? None of these things will change the market that's for sure. Not sure about you, but I've never seen a complainer that was part of the solution. Just more like part of the problem.

So, back to my question... What are you doing to find business? None of us can answer this question in just one post (hopefully). So, I wanted to contribute this post and many of my future posts to helping others come up with ideas that they may not have thought of before. I want to share some of the proactive services that we mortgage brokers, bankers and local realtors are offering the public (our potential clients) solutions. Or at least, we try and provide potential solutions to their mortgage, real estate, credit and debt problems that face most of us today.

I consider myself a people person. So, when I first got into the real estate industry I pledged never to rely on others to bring or send me business. So, I used an old sales strategy I learned while a top Marriott National Sales Manager. Lunch & Learns.

It's a simple process of understanding that most of our clients are most likely more confused than we were and need help now. They are as frustrated with the banks as we are. So, what do you do? YOU GO TO THE PEOPLE.. Don't wait for you phone to ring? Get out of your office and build relationships with your local small businesses, Chambers of Commerce and make contact with the decision makers or owners. You may even have some of these leaders in your database. Contact them and make them aware of your service. Call it want you want, create a flyer, add it to your business card. Whatever, you have to do to get the word out. That you want to be the expert that delivers important information to local companies and their employees. to help them get their finances in order at home, to help them understand thier options if they are underwater on their mortgage. Answer questions if they want to buy a home. The list is long.

Remember, every boss wants a productive employee. Your work will be to make thier employees more productive by offering a "Service to Support" all employees that will help organize and get them the answers they need to potential financial hardships of all kinds in order to be more productive at work.  

How? You offer to meet with them on-site. Bring lunch, or just bring you and some printed material with the basics of what your there to do. It's AMAZING the reponse you will get. IF, you focus on solotions and positive information that may help employees that need it. You're not there to help everyone. Your there to provide information, answer questions and support the company as an internal resource. The most important aspect of this process that I can share with you is this... Don't over think it and PLEASE DON'T SELL ANYTHING. Your not there to sell, your there to SUPPORT. If you don't understand that simple rule, you will not go to far..

Again, this is nothing you may not have thought of already or have heard about at your local networking event. You see, you don't have to be all that corporate, and you certainly don't have to make yourself seem like your somebody your not. You just have to TAKE ACTION. I can speak from experience.. THIS WORKS. I do three of these a week and I do more business from just one client base to support a team. Most will think of these great idea's and maybe even shrug them off, hoping that the market will return soon. Well, I can tell you this, when the market does return you will be way ahead of your competition. Because, people remember those that stepped in front of them FIRST.

Please contact me if your interested in working with us on these projects or if you have any interest in how we impliment them.

I hope this helps someone out there.


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Chandler Real Estate Liz Harris, MBA
Liz Harris Realty - Chandler, AZ

I just attending a class with a networking coach, Dave Sherman, and he was excellent.   One great pointer was to make 30 second elevator intro something of benefit to the person/people you are speaking with! 

Jan 14, 2011 02:08 PM
Debbe Perry
Real Living Carolina Property - Morganton, NC
828.439.3084 Morganton/Lake James NC

Lunch and Learns - great idea. Can you give  examples of the topics that have worked best for you recently?

Jan 14, 2011 02:11 PM
Brian Kennedy
Peoples Mortgage - Cave Creek, AZ
The Relationship Guy

Dave Sherman, I know him myself. Great guy and great motivator. Tell him I said hello, I once met with him to discuss strategic networking groups. We never got that started. Probably my fault.

Regarding topics. What I have learned is that having a flexible personality works best. You have to be prepared for anything. Depending on the size of the group your presenting infront of. You may want to partner with a realtor, mortgage, attorney whomever you feel may provide some content and be an expert in thier field.

I have created some fantastic longterm corporate relationships on my own. As, the interest grew I would add an expert in each field depending on the size of the audiance. Most lunches consist of 30ppl to 70 ppl.. Anything bigger then that just doesn't work well besides adding to your database. This is not about that. This is about making a connection. Building trust.

The best groups are the ones UNDER 20ppl. You get to really get intimate and upfront with your potential clients.. You can sit down one on one sometime and really show them that your there to answer questions. 

Topics can range all over the spectrum. The KEY to my success is not to go set with a subject to talk and talk and talk about. You will find that most people do NOT want to be talked to while on thier lunch break. They want you to LISTEN and then provide an honest answer if you have one. That more relaxed strategy is what will help spread the word throughout the company. Just showing up and listening works the best.. Work with the personality that the groups gives you.

I truely walk out of the room with a few purchase clients and in 2010 MANY refinances.

Jan 14, 2011 03:19 PM