Canadians buying Arizona Real Estate
Canadians are buying Arizona Real Estate. "Canadians surpass Californians this past year, 2010, as the top out-of-state buyers of Phoenix area Real Estate" as reported by Haya El Nasser of USA Today. Canadians are buying Arizona Real Estate and for good reason. With Phoenix Real Estate prices at record lows, the Canadian Real Estate market at record highs and the dollar at par, this is the perfect investment opportunity for Canadians buying Arizona Real Estate. Home prices have dropped 50% or more from 2006 in many Arizona communities. This coupled with the warmth, beauty and peacefulness of the valley of the sun offer a beacon for our neighbors to the north. To views Arizona homes, visit
So what is one of the most common questions for a Canadian buying Arizona Real Estate? How long can I stay in the Arizona each winter? Here is information directly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).,,id=96352,00.html
Substantial Presence Test |
If you would like more information on Arizona Real Estate for Canadians, visit me at or call (480) 251-1765.
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