
Own, Buy, STEAL a piece of winter sunshine in Fountain Hills, AZ!

Real Estate Agent with Sonoran Lifestyle Real Estate


Is now your time to invest in the value of a lifetime in sunny Arizona?  We all know about the extreme market correction that has occurred…are we at the bottom?  Are we bouncing along the bottom?  Stats show we must be close and with the interest rates so low…Could this truly be your “day in the sun”???  Fountain Hills with her awesome mountain views, thirteen acre lake with a fountain plume as high as the Washington Monument is a jewel in the desert.  There are activities and events in just about every venue and there are bargains like never before in every price range.

We at Sonoran Lifestyle Real Estate have hosted our kickoff Bank Owned Property Tour for 2011  Saturday, January 15 from 8:00-11:00 AM.  This event was brought back by popular demand and seats on the luxury bus were completely filled.  Contact me for details on our February Tour.

We began at the Sonoran Lifestyle Real Estate office on Avenue of the Fountains with a brief overview of today's Foreclosure Market. Then we toured 6-8 homes by bus with experts available to help folks understand complex issues like Home Inspections, Insurance, Mortgage Finance and more.  We completed our tour with lunch and a chance to ask questions.  For more information or to reserve your space for our next tour, call 480-586-5333 or click here:  to sign up.  We look forward to seeing you! 

16824 Avenue of the Fountains, Suite 12,

 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268


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Dena Stevens
Rocky Mountain Realty - Canon City, CO
Putting The Real Into Realtor Since 2004

I absolutely love the idea of a tour of bank owned homes for one area. I like the idea so much I may try to pull something together in my area!

Congratulations on your first post!

Jan 16, 2011 03:13 PM
Suzanne Nann
Sonoran Lifestyle Real Estate - Fountain Hills, AZ

We have been doing these tours quite successfully for over a year.  I would be happy to give you some guidance on set up etc.  As always we learn as we do...each one has gotten better and better.

Jan 17, 2011 12:19 AM
Letitia Stevenson
BHHS Fox & Roach | - Greenville, DE
Listing Agent DE/PA/MD, Digital Marketer & Coach

Suzanne, thanks for Sharing & Welcome to the Rain! Active Rain is a great place to share your knowledge, expertise and thoughts, as well as network and learn so much from the vast pool of talent already onboard.

Welcome Aboard and Much Success!

Jan 17, 2011 03:45 PM
Suzanne Nann
Sonoran Lifestyle Real Estate - Fountain Hills, AZ

Thank you, Letitia for the welcome and the comment.

Your profile is wonderful and compelling.  I signed up for your newsletter.

I know your part of this great nation is not having wonderful weather right now.  I lived in New England and then New Jersey until moving to sunny Arizona six years ago.  If you or any of your friends/clients are looking for some winter sunshine, give me a shout.

I  have been in the real estate profession since the late 1960's, have attended every program and class out there and am EXTREMELY impressed with AR.  Looking forward to learning and doing more.

Have an outstanding day!

Jan 18, 2011 04:04 AM