
$7.9 Million Dollar Mansion to be bulldozed.....your thoughts?

Mortgage and Lending with WR Starkey Mortgage

$7.9 Million Dollar Mansion to be bulldozed

Beautiful 14,280 square foot mansion built in 2006 in Dallas, Texas.  The stunning estate has 14,280 square feet of living space, 5 bedrooms, 8 full bathrooms and 3 1/2 baths, tennis courts and a swimming pool.  Research shows that it was designed after an 1800's Louisiana plantation. 

All of this is to be bulldozed down so that the new neighbors can have the extra lot for their estate.  This weekend was an estate sale where the cabinets, diving board, chandeliers and anything that could be taken away was sold.  Do you find this sad and heart breaking?  Or do you celebrate with the new neighbor that they can have the extra land for their estate? 

carrollton tx mortgages

Posted by

Glenn Colley, Loan Officer                                                                                                    

NMLS #2146    

Views and opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of WR Starkey Mortgage

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Arleen Montford
Selling NW Florida Homes in Pace/Milton/Pensacola FL

Good Morning Glen, I find this heart breaking. I make me wonder when I hear things like this, are we running out land? A part of some great is something to keep. Just saying.

Jan 17, 2011 03:20 AM
Timothy Mattingly
Louisville Homes Team Louisville KY - Louisville, KY
Louisville Homes for Sale

I guess if you have the money... I have a very rich friend that wanted to put some trees on his land.  His land mind you, but a neighbor with an adjoin lot objected that it would block his view from the rear of his home.  My friend asked the neighbor what it would take to just buy his lot and basically his view.  The neighbor curtly answered $1,000,000.  The check was written and the trees planted. Money tends to buy us things we want not need.  I love that house in the picture and it is a shame to see it destroyed  

Jan 17, 2011 03:26 AM
Royal LePage Connect Realty - Toronto, ON

Its a crying shame and senseless.

Jan 17, 2011 03:34 AM
John Puplava
ABC Home Inspections,L.L.C. - Prescott, AZ
ABC Home Inspections,L.L.C.

Glenn--That's very sad..Why are they bulldozed the house?

Jan 17, 2011 03:40 AM
Kim McMahon
Executive Realty Group - Skokie, IL

Glenn~ I find this incrediably sad.  How bout you?

Jan 17, 2011 03:45 AM
Roy DuBose
Austin Distinction Realty - Austin, TX

does seem a shame however the structure is what, 5 years old so it's not like there have been multiple (perhaps) families that have called the place home leaving memories there, it made economic sense to take it down, and the items that can be used won't be destroyed -- surely the owner looked at donating the items to Habitat or a charity so the could both be used and written off -- course, someone willing to take down this structure probably isn't worried about a smallish tax deduction!

Jan 17, 2011 03:54 AM
Glenn Colley
WR Starkey Mortgage - Carrollton, TX

Arleen - I too find it heartbreaking but I too have to remember that the new buyer has the right to do it.  Just not what I would do.

Timothy -  $1,000,000 to plant some trees, you are correct about what we will pay for our 'wants'.

Donna - You would think it would be someone's dream home that built it.  Hopefully they profited and purchasing something to make as their home.

John - bulldozing the home as the neighbor next door with his $9.5 million estate can have this lot too.

Kim - saddened to see what seems to have been a dream home for someone to be bulldozed.

Jan 17, 2011 04:11 AM
Woody Edwards
First Choice Realty, Inc - Chesterfield, VA
A Realtor® Who Answers His Phone!

Obviously, some people have more money than sense!

Jan 17, 2011 07:22 AM
Anja Kerstens, 669.270.8034
Compass - Morgan Hill, CA
GRI, NHCB, CDPE, CHS. Silicon Valley Homes

Heartbreaking indeed.  It is hard to believe that people can actually "throw away" millions like that.  The home and property could have been donated to an organization helping others in need; I am thinking battered women and their children. 

Jan 17, 2011 11:08 AM