
Problem solving as a team

Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart

In today's housing market there are lots of problems to look at and overcome. Decisions have to be made and everyone involved had to be heard. This method of looking for solutions is not limited to housing but it may help. Some of the problems people are facing are "do we foreclose? how do we stop the bleeding of money? where can we get good advice? Hopefully as systematic approach will help.

There is a team advantage to solving problems. The difficulty can come when all team members don't agree. Given that almost everyone has to work in some kind of a team some guidelines would be worthwhile. La Fasto and Larson offer some good advice taken from their extensive research.
They determined that three factors will be essential in good problem solving teams.

  1. Focus: effective teams are very clear about what they want to accomplish
  2. Climate: it must be safe to share. Relaxed, comfortable, informal fun and warm environments will create the most innovation and new ideas
  3. Communication: If something is interfering with the team's performance, it gets talked about. People say what is on their minds but the conversations tend toward problem solving and not venting.


Teams solve problems best with a goal in mind and all the team energy is toward that goal. When a problem arises the team works toward a solution by using the following system.

  1. Identify the problem by forming a single question (focus)
  2. Create a collaborative setting (climate)
  3. Energize with discussion (communication)  
  4. Identify with possible solutions (communication)
  5. Resolve the single question (communication & focus)

Using this format teams (family or business) can avoid the non-productive accusations, blame, criticisms, and attacks that leave the members defensive and running for cover instead of solving the problem. Add a few validations and some humor and teams can go along way building loyalty, friendship and satisfaction.
Apollo 13 (the movie) has a great problem solving sequence regarding the air filter.  
Notes taken from a lecture by Mike McNeff.

Kerrie La Guardia
ActiveRain, Community Manager - Kirkland, WA
Let it Rain!

This is such a great post Bonnie.  Here at AR Headquarters we constantly come to solutions as a team.  We all have such different personality types that it works out for the best.

Jan 17, 2011 11:43 AM
Bonnie Adamson
HomeSmart - Murrieta, CA

Thank you for your response, I am meeting so many people with real problems and it is so easy for solutions to get lost in the dust of chaos.

Jan 18, 2011 03:05 AM