
How To Create a Twitter Account in 3 Easy Steps

Education & Training with ActiveRain


So, you've been convinced that you need to be on Twitter, because that's where people you want to attract are at and it's a great way to continue to brand yourself online.

Now it's time to get our feet wet!


Setting up your Twitter Account - It's as Easy as 1-2-3


 Go to  Click the big yellow square on the right hand side that says "Sign Up"

  You'll be directed to a new page to fill out your information.  Everything is pretty self-explanatory, except creating your username.

Your username is also known as a Twitter handle.  A Twitter handle is like a ham radio handle. As a kid, my dad was (and still is) an avid ham radio operator. Whenever he announced himself on the airway he used his "handle", which was "Golf Papa Papa". I still have no idea on how that handle name came to be...

Anyway, your Twitter handle is essentially your code name that's broadcasted to everyone in Twitterland.

Tips to creating a good username/handle:

  • Be specific and unique so people can find you
  • Have it make sense. If you want to tweet about real estate, have this somewhere in your name.
  • Keep it short, but not too short.  I always recommend keeping it 10 characters or less.  It makes it possible for others to ReTweet you. 160-characters is valuable real estate and if you used up 20 characters on a ReTweet, well, you better be a good editor (more on what the heck ReTweets are in another post).


In this example, I created the username "livelydrop".  Other great examples of twitter usernames/handles are:

  • @REMAXTEAM - I get from the name what they might be talking about
  • @DChomesforsale - It's specific, going back to being hyper-local.
  • @ATLhomefinder - Again, it's specific and you know what they are talking about
  • @DebeInCharlotte - I like this because she can position herself as an expert in Charlotte and she adds her name which overtime can create a nice personal touch 
  • @isellmoney - Um...not going to forget this person. Are you?

 The next screen has you pick out your interests and follow a few people.  This is a great way to learn from other great tweeters and how they do it.  Really take notice of these people.  What are they saying? How are they saying it? How often are they saying it? I'd recommend selecting at least 4 people off Twitter's suggested list.



And that's it! Your Twitter account has been set up.  Easy, right?


Next steps? Tomorrow we'll go over customizing your account by adding your picture, writing your profile, creating your background and writing your first tweet.


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Amy Hahn
Pine Knoll Shores Realty - Morehead City, NC
Realtor/Broker - Crystal Coast, NC

Okay...So I set up a Twitter account, and have played around with it a bit.  Even learned about hashtags (#AR200K) during the party...

When I set up my account, I just used my name as my username...Can I change that or will it be like starting over?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jan 19, 2011 03:30 AM
Kelly Anderson
ActiveRain - Bellevue, WA

Amy, you can easily change your username.  I actually changed mine 2 months into my Twitter account (you live and learn).  Since you're just starting out and not quite established, changing your username is just fine.  Log-in to Twitter, go to your account settings, and change your username.  If I remember right, anything you've already tweeted will show your old username, anything newly tweeted will show your new username. 

Jan 19, 2011 03:49 AM
Steve, Joel & Steve A. Chain
Chain Real Estate Investments & Mortgage, Steve & Joel Chain - Cottonwood, CA


I appreciate your advice to start by following. As some "Tweople" say, listening really helps gain an understanding of how Twitter works. It's different, in a good way.


Jan 19, 2011 03:57 AM
Karen L. Pietsch
Cary Property Pros - 4 Sale Realty, Inc. - Crystal Lake, IL
Cary Property Pros. Cary Property Pros Premier Real Estate

Hi Kelly,

LOVE IT!  I've already got a Twitter account and it's set up elsewhere as well.  But it would be helpful if I could make it more tuned in to real estate.  Is there a way I can do it and not lose the readership I already have?????

Jan 19, 2011 04:39 AM
Craig Rutman
Helping people in transition - Cary, NC
Raleigh, Cary, Apex area Realtor

Well it doesn't get much easier than that, does it? Looking forward to tomorrow's post Kelly. Keep up the great wrok!

Jan 19, 2011 07:52 AM
Amy Hahn
Pine Knoll Shores Realty - Morehead City, NC
Realtor/Broker - Crystal Coast, NC

Thanks Kelly...Will go try right now!

Jan 19, 2011 08:19 AM
Kelly Anderson
ActiveRain - Bellevue, WA

Steve, "Tweople" are fascinating aren't they?  Seriously, though, this was one of the best pieces of advice I learned when I was getting started.  It made it so much easier to get started.

Karen, it really depends on your followers and how many you have.  If it's a couple hundred, I'd say go for it and change it up.  If it's more than that and you have good interaction with your followers, it's probably not a good idea to change your name.  No matter what, you can change the focus of your tweets.  Also, customizing your background is another great way to show your followers what you're about, without having to change your name.

Craig, it really doesn't!  Thanks.

Amy, did it work?

Jan 19, 2011 02:36 PM
Karen L. Pietsch
Cary Property Pros - 4 Sale Realty, Inc. - Crystal Lake, IL
Cary Property Pros. Cary Property Pros Premier Real Estate

Kelly, thanks for the answer.  I appreciate it.  Quite honestly, my twitter is probably one of two social links I really don't stay on top with.  I don't have anywhere near 100 ppl that I know of that are following or I am following.  So, if I want to change my exposure with a new name and account, would you mind telling me how I would do that????  That background stuff sounds great if you'd be willing to help me with that.  :)

Jan 23, 2011 05:41 PM
Matt Stigliano
Kimberly Howell Properties (210) 646-HOME - San Antonio, TX

Kelly - Great introductory post to Twitter.  I can tell you'll be using it a lot and doing some interesting things with it as I learned from the 200K Celebration.

One note for Realtors® - don't put your location as GPS coordinates - it's annoying and useless.  Don't put earth, world, global, or worldwide either.  Put your town's name in there.  I often use Twitter to search for agents in specific towns and you'd be surprised how many agents I see do this.

When you get to the following/followers part of your posts, I'll add some more things that I think are really important to take note of.  Crimes I see agents commit regularly that may do more harm than good.

Jan 24, 2011 01:21 AM
Susan Goulding
Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management - Tracy, CA
Northern CA - Tracy & Mountain House Real Estate

great tutorial

Feb 16, 2011 05:53 PM
Ted Tyrrell
RE/MAXCamosun (Chatterton) - Victoria, BC
Selling Homes in Beautiful Victoria

Thanks Kelly. I have a Twitter account, but don't understand how it works. I will be following you to see how it is usd.

Feb 18, 2011 06:25 PM
Kristine Ginsberg
Elite Staging and Redesign, LLC - Short Hills, NJ
NJ Home Stager

Thanks for the tutorial on Twitter - I don't even have it yet, let alone connected to my Active Rain account, but I'm bookmarking for later so I can add this feature! Great to know you'll be at RainCamp - see you then!

Mar 30, 2011 10:54 AM
Kelly Anderson
ActiveRain - Bellevue, WA

Thanks Kristine!  Your comment reminded me that I really need to get back into blogging.  I love it and it's gotten to be a lower priority than it should (crazy how that happens).  Can't wait to meet you at RainCamp.  Be sure to say hi!

Mar 31, 2011 01:05 PM
Gabrielle Jeans
WebTech Dezine, Gabrielle Jeans Real Estate Coach - Toronto, ON
Real Estate Web Solution, Real Estate Trainer and Coach

Twitter is an awesome tool to connect with people in your industry. You can also search on twitter which i find mind-blowing. If you search "seattle real estate" in the search box on your homepage it is easy to find people talking about your keywords and this way you can engage them in conversation and possibly convert them to clients/contacts. Try it

Jun 20, 2011 04:33 AM
Kelly Anderson
ActiveRain - Bellevue, WA

Gabrielle: When I was managing the ActiveRain Twitter account, I did frequent searches for people talking about "ActiveRain" or "Active Rain" or even "real estate blog".  It really helped to reach out, connect with people and solve problems.  It truly is an incredible tool.

Jun 20, 2011 04:42 PM