
Rector Hayden Monthly Market Report for Central Kentucky

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Rector Hayden Monthly Market Report for Central Kentucky

The Rector-Hayden Monthly Market Report is an overview of the entire Central Kentucky real estate market. Find out what’s selling and what’s not! Compare average days on the market for each price range and county of interest. Also, find out which brokers are selling the most.

Click Here for the full September 2007 report.

Here are some highlights from the September 2007 issue:

  •  Rector-Hayden is still #1 with 47% of the market share.
  •  The average sales price year-to-date is $175,285
  •  At the end of August Fayette County had 2701 homes on the market and 450 sold and closed in that month. Which leaves us with 6 months of inventory.

What does all this mean? It means it’s a great time to buy a home in Central Kentucky!! There are plenty of beautiful homes to choose from and list prices have come down and are staying steady. 

What do you think about the Central Kentucky real estate market? I am anxiously awaiting your feedback!




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Erby Crofutt
B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing ( - Lexington, KY
The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY

That's some interesting data you present.  Haven't quite seen it in that format in awhile.

Let's me know there's plenty of activity for those who want to work hard to get it.

Thanks for sharing it.  I look forward to your future posts.




Oct 26, 2007 10:08 PM
Thanks Erby, I wil be postng a new one this month. Your right, the market is what you make of it. ~Danielle
Oct 27, 2007 02:42 AM
Erby Crofutt
B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing ( - Lexington, KY
The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY

I look forward to seeing the latest report.

Patience & persistence pay off!

Oct 27, 2007 03:51 AM