This would be my suggestion to anyone starting out. There are many emails I receive everyday about buying a domain name for any of the listings that I currently have.I would say before you think of buying a website like this, go to a domain name register and look up your area that you cover.
It may be more difficult if you are in a larger city but this might suprise you if you are in the burbs or in a rural area. I was writing this post and as I was writing it I went to a website register site and looked up what was left in my area I found was still available so I secured that name tonight.
What spurred this post was a call I recevied this week on a new listing I received from a pre marketer at a company I have been trying to get in the door with for awhile. I was told she checked out the agents for my area and looks for someone who is easy to find. " I went to" this stuck in my mind and if it was something that was pointed out I know this helped my foot in the door.This triggered a quick google search I was told by the assigner which found my and my REO qualifications and pushed my name to the asset manager and preservation task were sent over shortly after.
Take the time look up your area and see if it is available.