
Why We Bought a Home in Martyn Woods in Gulf Shores, AL?

Real Estate Agent with Jason Will Real Estate 88702

Why We Bought a Home in Martyn Woods?


Search Martyn Woods Subdivision Homes and Lots for Sale in Gulf Shores, AL


Some past clients of ours closed on a home in Martyn Woods in the spring of 2010.  Now that they have had several months to settle in and get acquainted with their surroundings, I asked them to share their answers to a few simpe questions below.  I have found a residents perspective to be very helpful for prospective buyers looking to relocate or buy a home on the Alabama Gulf Coast.

#1  What led you to purchase a home in Martyn Woods Subdivision?

We looked at homes all over the gulf coast for three years, and we found Gulf Shores to be the perfect package of nice people and retirement opportunities.  With regard to Martyn Woods, the location is fabulous:  off the beaten path on County Road 6/4, but within a couple miles of tremendous shopping, restaurants, the beach, boating, fishing.  It's all right here, with no traffic, no noise, in a beautiful neighborhood of very nice custom homes.  Home Owner dues are VERY reasonable, compared to other areas and condos.  Also, Martyn Woods avails us the property (about 2 acres) that is rare in beach areas at a very reasonable price.  Also, the people here are so nice.  We have felt right at home beginning the day we moved in.  We had a very helpful realtor, too!:)
#2  Since your purchase, what have you come to admire about the subdivision and community?

The quiet and privacy, plus the tremendous convenience.  Pelican Place, with all it offers, is just around the corner.  Inexpensive golf is just down the road.  We can walk out our community dock to Bon Secour and fish.  Cut some brush?  Just leave it at the curb and it's picked up by the City.  Also, city water and sewer are a plus.  Gulf Shores city activities, particularly the Bodenhamer Center, where we both have annual access to all the exercise activities one could imagine, is great.  And we love being able to easily drive to the beach for morning coffee or evening ice cream. Having private tennis courts in walking distance is nice as well.    
#3  If you were to move, what would you miss most about Martyn Woods?

Frankly, why would we move?  I can't imagine it. Answering this one would depend on where we moved TO, of course.  Maybe we would miss the big properties and privacy.  I know we both would really miss having our own enclosed pool area -- but that's the house.  The biggest overall thing, though, is the convenience. 

The Martyn Woods Subdivision Community Fishing Pier in Gulf Shores, AL